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How Many Friends With Benefits Is it Acceptable to Have ?

Mariana Carolina

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You're asking how many different guys you could be having sex with on a regular basis during the same period of time?   


Edited by basil67
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It's your life so do as you wish but take care of yourself. I hope you realize also that there are STDs that can be transmitted using condoms. The greater the number of partners you have, the greater your risks so you might want to take that into consideration and weigh whether it's worth it to have multiple partners and just who those people are (whether they can be trusted or are responsible adults). 


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As many as you're comfortable with, keeping in mind that if you choose to have more than one sexual partner during any period of time you're exposing all of you to STD's, and also the potential to become pregnant and not know who the father is.  Also, if you're regularly sleeping with multiple people you need to let them all know because they may choose not to expose themselves to those possible scenarios. Most women I've ever known who sleep with multiple partners don't need to tell everyone, because the guys will discuss it among themselves and the whole town knows anyway. 

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As many as you can manage, yet still treat each one ethically, which means - IMO - that each knows that you are not exclusive with them, and that there is more than one other.  They need to know this to understand the risks they are assuming by being with you, and to decide if they are okay with being one of many.  If sex is not involved, then numbers do not matter for those with whom you are not.  Otherwise, I think it really does matter.

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As many as you want.  Stop living your life according to the moral codes of people that really don't matter to you.

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The answer depends on your personal moral code of ethics.  If you are going to have sex with multiple partners, at minimum you need to be scrupulous in your health -- insistence on condoms & you must get STD tests regularly to avoid possible cross contamination.  

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