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Why do you believe that 'your' God is the correct one?

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On 12/5/2020 at 3:51 PM, Trail Blazer said:


What I'm keen to know is why you believe that the God you believe in is the correct and only one that individuals should believe in. 

Do you believe because it's a passed-down tradition, or have you examined many religions and arrived at your religious conclusion of your own volition?

Interesting, I examined many religions and it led me to the conclusion that there could well be something to what we call god.  I separate god from religion. 

Religion, especially organized religion, I find a social construct and at best helps us do the right thing even when it is not in our own personal best interest...alas I find it usually is used more by the leader to get people to do what they want in the name of god, and for the creation of apologetics to make us believe that doing the wrong thing is the right thing.   I believe the path to salvation, nirvana, or whatever you wish to call it, is very simple, very easy to understand, it is the doing of it that is hard.   

To use Judeo-Christian teachings, doing unto others, loving thy neighbor, judge not lest ye be judge, care for the poor, turning the other cheek, etc. is very, very hard to do...especially when one cannot over come the desire for material things or status....so religion comes up with all sorts of exceptions.  The best one is if someone doesn't pray the way you do you can ignore all these teachings on goodness.

I personally believe in god, that god has continually since the dawn of time been reminding us of the path of good under various names at various times, and humans from the dawn of time have been warping these reminders by wrapping them with religion to provide people with some self righteous justification for not doing what is good, but only what feels good because it satisfies there own self interest.

This all probably makes me a deist, the worst form of heretic.   

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