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I feel undeserving of this second chance


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I f***ed up pretty bad last year.

My girlfriend and I had broken up last year, We could never hang out due to her family, and she is somewhat religious so no sex which I think fueled the fighting more. We work together so that was the only time we could see eachother. She was pretty judgmental and it wasnt always the worst thing but I would get pretty upset. I was feeling insecure and as if we were too incompatible and with all the fighting and never seeing eachother I ended it. 
I had a really close female friend that I was having feelings for, one I got along with way better. While I was with my girlfriend the first time, I stopped hanging out with her cause this girl had feelings for me first, but we still chatted occasionally, with my gfs knowledge. I never told my gf about these feelings cause I didnt have any intention to act on them or stay close to her because really I figured it was just craving the normalcy. After my gf and I broke up, I foolishly told this girl I felt something for her way too soon, I told her I wanted it off my chest but I didnt think it was smart to act on it as I was in a bad place. 

Fast forward a bit, we ended up hanging out and hooked up a few times, stupid but my own fault. I felt awful and I told her I couldnt see her anymore cause I wasnt ready for a relationship, I still loved my ex and I was sorry I lead her on. We stopped hanging out after that and I took some time to process my feelings. I worked on some of the things that I caused problems with in my last relationship, and just some stuff in general, Cleared my head before trying to tell my girlfriend how I felt. I realized I wanted her so I told her.
She had asked me if I had been with anyone else, I told her I had slept with this girl a few times but it wasn't happening anymore. She was angry for a while but now we are back together. 
For some reason, I feel this guilt in my stomach that Ive done something wrong by not telling her I had feelings for this girl. I feel like I had a case of GIGS but when we broke up because this other girl did make me feel better, well now I realize I was just distracted. I wasnt going to jump in this girls pants intentionally. Truthfully I never liked the girl, I liked the attention but I love my girlfriend. Ive obviously apologized profusely to this other girl and stopped talking to her but should I have told my girlfriend I had feelings for her or is what she knows enough? I fear it may change her mind, but I also feel like she deserves to have all of the info. Ugh

TL;DR: Had a thing with a friend after break up, girlfriend doesn't know I had feelings for her should I tell her ? It's been 6 months.

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11 minutes ago, CyberQuinn said:

Had a thing with a friend after break up, girlfriend doesn't know I had feelings for her should I tell her ? It's been 6 months.

 Sorry to hear this. What was the breakup about and what were the 'family issues'? Why would an ex contact you and ask you this? Try not to backpedal, there is already way TMI. So Noooo.

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