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Employer escalated things, co-workers still scoff at it

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I work for a govt entity. Let me just say, the area in which I work,...esp. the govt...has a tendency to hire the lokel yokel, half of them are heavy smokers. My boss is not, and they had to institute a no contact policy between us and other people that we're in contact with when dropping off packages. These "other people" are also with the govt and apparently, they are in contact with others that are incontact with those that apparently THAT workplace had a couple of Covid cases that found themselves at the local ICU.

That said, our director emphasized to start wearing masks when interacting with the public now, however, they don't do it indoors amongst their co-workers. I'm guessing they figure if you're collegues, you cannot catch a virus? (sarcasm)

I am the only one wearing a mask, I'm sure I was being made fun of...but when this happened, my boss publicly gave me kudos in front of everyone else for doing so. She did say she was cool with me wearing a mask, but when pointing to a person without a mask she said, "I'm not sure if it's cool or not with you NOT wearing a mask". So things are kind of swaying my direction as I have the backing of the director? She even put me in charge of some sanitizing efforts.

Anyways, the outbreak we spoke of...I probed a couple of my co-workers, "Wow, how about that, eh? Someone in so-and-so department are in the ICU now...pretty scary, right?)

They STILL scoffed and parroted the same, "It's a virus, we're gonna get it eventually." and then droned on about how people die of cigarette smoke X' number per year...like comparing different kind of deaths. And one was saying it's a scientific fact that MASKS DO NOT WORK. REgardless of locals mandating wearing them.

This never even gave them a scare whatsoever. Regardless of where I work escalating no contact situation. I mean, I could into an argument with it at work, but ...well....I have work to do.

Some are of the mind of this regarding how we are impeding on "Gods wonderful breathing system"


Another odd thing is, being that I live in a county where there are a cluster of small cities....some have cancelled, while others are keeping their 4th of July events going.


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And Whitney, an essential worker, told commissioners she doesn't wear a mask in the same way she doesn't wear underwear.
"Things gotta breathe," she said.

The people in that article are crazy...
Unfortunately you are having to work with similar...:classic_sad:

Edited by elaine567
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