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how can I let go of and heal faster?

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i had very bad experiences in my marriage. I want to let go of all the negative experiences and forgive (including myself). but i am struggling. i want to try to make sense of things, but i couldnt. i want to settle my emotional health so i can stop hurting or being angry or bitter. i really do. I have been exercising, reading, mediating, searching for answers, where i did wrong and how i could have done better. and i want to forgive the negative things that had happen (my counselor calls it trauma). 

how can i let go of the past ? what do i have to do? if time heals all wounds, its been 9 months, how can i help with the healing? how to let go of the anger and bitterness? please share your experiences..

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It sounds to me like you are doing all of the right things. It could take years. Don't spend too much time searching for answers; you might have to accept things as they were and let it go. Keeping to myself and not getting involved in everybody else's issues helped me. That way I did not have to hear what everyone else was doing and saying and I did not have to hear about the ex. I avoided toxic people in my life. You will find that not having all of the chaos and drama will be a relief.

Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft helped me understand him. I am not sure what your situation was.



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