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I have a great regret in life now, that is that I never got into theater because I found myself wanting to be in it later in life.  The circumstances were a bit crazy to say the least why I didn't, here's what happened...

When I was in middle school, we put on plays.  I kind of liked them and being a part of them.  I had small parts in the chorus here and there and as an extra and whatnot.  I probably should have gone elsewhere for more of it, but I was so confined to my existence there.  Plus all the things my mom had me and my sister signed up for were things that she wanted us to do rather than what we wanted to do.  When I was in 8th grade, for some disciplinary reason, the play that year was canceled.   And that was the end of my theatrical career  pretty much.

When I was in high school, I was very insecure and I felt like I was not wanted there.  True, I was not alone in that, but I was so afraid of being made a laughing stock or whatever else once I started high school I just disappeared into the background and decided to stay there.  I was a bit of a mystery to others there, which was fine with me.  I was too afraid to even try being on the stage.  People would make fun of me.  I developed a sense of comedy about me as a shield like a lot of comic do to keep people away.  But I was insecure too.

It wasn't until I was in my mid 30s did I want to be a part of it.  I joined a theater company in my city, eventually being on their board, and liked every minute of it.  I worked very hard for them as well.

But... When I tried out for parts, I was rejected.  The company I worked for eventually turned sour and many dedicated people (myself included) left.  I pretty much got the same response that most everyone in the entertainment industry can and does get.  But still, I had hoped that they would throw me at least one bone.  And it was not to be.

Now?  I make TikTok videos and I am the star I always wanted to be.  Small compensation bit it's a lot of fun.

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