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When you love changes

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When the feeling of love for you s/o changes to not wanting to hurt them.I really care about my wife,but I notice that I am going thru some changes.These changes have affected our relationship.I'm not the same person she married and I know that scares her.I know that people grow and mature at different rates.I'll keep trying to make things better,but the times when i'm confused

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Hi Ronin,


I applaud your unselfish maturity in sticking to the commitment you made. You seem to recognize that true love goes way beyond the feelings of the day.


With honest communication and continued gentleness and patience I believe you and your wife can come through this just fine.


Please don't stop talking with your wife and try to work out compromises in the areas you've grown apart. Love does not seek only its own pleasure, it cares also for the beloved.


I will be hoping the best for you. In time your feelings will settle down. Be wise with your words and choices until they do.

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