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A Statement for Women!!!

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A Beautiful, Strong, Liberated, Woman, Free of Thought and Spirit, is like a Delicate but Wild flower. She needs to be rooted in love, showered with affection, and given room to grow. You need to allow her the freedom to dream, and she needs to be lovingly supported, if she should try to fulfill those dreams. She needs to be dotingly cared for and not forcefully controlled. She needs the man in her life to be her rock and not her anchor. She needs his love to be freeing and not confining. She needs to be giving wings in order to fly, soar, into her womanhood and towards her dreams, and if she should happen to fall short of all she wants to be and or do, with or in her life, she needs the security of knowing that her man - significant other, will be right there to catch her, to pick her up, if she should need to be. She wants, needs, her intellect respected and her heart to never be neglected. Never take her for a fool. Respect and love her, always. Give your best to her, and you shall get the best from her. If you love her, show it, be there with your loving, tender, care and never-ending support. For, she does not need a man’s love to make her world, what she needs is a love, a man that makes her world better!!!


Ladies, be an extraordinary woman, one of Beauty, Grace, Intellect, Confidence, Style, Sophisticated, and Savvy. Expect the best from yourself, always, and know, nothing less than the best you deserve. Love and respect yourself, always, and demand nothing less than respect from others. And, remember, any man who not willing to give love and respect, is a man not worthy of you!!! Always expect the best, from yourself and from a man except nothing less than his!!!



Love and Respect yourself, Always

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