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"Exclusive" talk & anniversaries

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Those that have made it official, how long did it take to go from meeting to being exclusive? Within about 2 weeks we both decided to not see others and we were discussing our 1 year anniversary date but we are not sure on the exclusive date so we are going with the day we met. Just curious to see how others go about getting that date.

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Make every day an anniversary for being with each other,

Then you won't have to remember which day it started for one another.

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Wow? People agree to exclusivity even after the 1st date? I wonder what motivates that?


Most would think that's moving too fast and it can be off-putting to the other person that doesn't operate in such a fashion , i.e. - needs a few dates under the belt to determine exclusivity.

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We established exclusivity after our 5th date. We know we met first week of December 2015 but we can't pin point when, I think it was the 8th he has no clue, and we have no idea when was our 5th date. :-)

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The earliest I've been asked was 3 dates. If I don't see it on the table by 2-3 months I move on. I use the first date as the anniversary.

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Wow? People agree to exclusivity even after the 1st date? I wonder what motivates that?



The anniversaries or the day we considered us together is the first date. But I think it took 2 months to be exclusive, we just use the first date as the start of the relationship when people ask.

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Wow? People agree to exclusivity even after the 1st date? I wonder what motivates that?


Most would think that's moving too fast and it can be off-putting to the other person that doesn't operate in such a fashion , i.e. - needs a few dates under the belt to determine exclusivity.


The motivation is feeling great about each other. And being exclusive isn't rushing things - one can easily end an exclusive relationship if it turns out to be incompatible. Being exclusive isn't a promise to do anything other than not multi date.


Rushing things is talking about marriage and being together forever before really getting to know he person.


Back when I was dating in the 1980's, all dating was exclusive. I can't wrap my head around the idea of dating multiple people.

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Wow? People agree to exclusivity even after the 1st date? I wonder what motivates that?


Most would think that's moving too fast and it can be off-putting to the other person that doesn't operate in such a fashion , i.e. - needs a few dates under the belt to determine exclusivity.


All exclusivity means is that you're just not seeing other people. It doesn't mean you're planning to meet the family, move in, and start picking out baby names, gosh. Not sure why it would be considered 'moving too fast' when all you're doing is not seeing other people at the same time.


I'm relatively young, and I've never felt any desire to multi-date either. Probably wouldn't be compatible with a man that did, so it's a great filter.

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All exclusivity means is that you're just not seeing other people. It doesn't mean you're planning to meet the family, move in, and start picking out baby names, gosh. Not sure why it would be considered 'moving too fast' when all you're doing is not seeing other people at the same time.


I'm relatively young, and I've never felt any desire to multi-date either. Probably wouldn't be compatible with a man that did, so it's a great filter.




I mean, just cuz a couple decides to be "exclusive" doesn't mean they're gonna get married next week...geesh. I mean, really? Some people think the first date is too soon to decide if you don't wanna date and/or sleep around with others besides the person in front of you? :eek:


When I started talking to dude that just deep sixed me, I could not bring myself to be interested in other guys - especially for sex (even though me and him weren't dating yet). That's how I roll. I'm a one man woman. When I'm into a guy - no other guy can catch my eye.

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