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My crush's best friend likes me


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I like a guy I met last semester. I'll call him A. I summed up the courage to approach him cause he's very shy, and we instantly clicked... we even went out to the movies and it was great. Anyway, A introduced me to his best friend somewhere around that time, and he immediately asked A if he and I were dating, because he found me very pretty and fun.

That was before Winter break, when suddenly A stopped talking to me as often as before (we would spend hours texting). I was really taken aback because I thought he had been genuinely interested in me before.

Fast forward to going back to school, and it turns out I have two classes with A. At first, things were really uncomfortable because he's quiet and really awkward in general, like he's never had a girlfriend and doesn't really talk much to anyone but his close friends. He had a hard time approaching me, but then we started sitting together in class and talking more often.

Well, it turns out I also have a class with his best friend, and he's always looking for me and stuff. I like A's best friend in that he's a cool guy, but A is who I really have a crush on... well, this week his best friend has been giving me wayyy too many hints that he's into me, and there's an event tomorrow for Valentine's Day for you to send flowers anonymously. Well, A's best friend asked a friend of mine whether she thought if he had any chances with me, and told her that he's sending me roses.

He asked me if I planned on sending some to a guy I liked, and I said no, but he asked me whether I liked anyone. I said yes, and he immediately thought of A and said: "you like my brother?" I asked him why he thought that, and he only said it was because he had seen us together before. I didn't say yes or no, and he added saying "A and I are really really great friends, I trust him enough to tell him who I like, except I don't. I only tell her how she is: funny, smart, pretty... and he only tells me stuff about the girl he likes too, because we're almost certain it's the same girl"


Now I honestly don't know how to feel about this because I think this has ruined any chance I have of getting together with A. :( I really wanna try flirting or something with him, but I don't know if there's a possibility he's still into me, now that his best friend is.:(

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Why didn't you just make it clear to him that you really like A and wished he wasn't so shy around you.....that would fix everything.

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Cause I know his best friend won't back away if he finds out I like A. He won't even tell A, he's insistent like that. He told me he would still fight for a girl if his best friend and the girl liked each other

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