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'Nice Looking' vs. 'Pretty'

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I strongly prefer men to answer this question for them personally what the difference is to THEM. Same male best friend I've mentioned in my other thread who I've talked about relationships in general with. I told him about the janitor I used to like and how he told me that I was nice looking and I decided to ask him what the difference between nice looking and pretty was to him, and for him he said that nice looking was pleasing to the eye and pretty was not only does he like her looks but also her personality. I'm interested in you guys' point of view of what the difference is to you. I like knowing different POVs (point of views) about things like this. If we all thought the same exact way, the world would be a boring place.

Edited by AugustSnow
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Guys tend not to use this terminology. Not amongst ourselves anyway.


We use terms like:






"not bad" or "average"




We also use a 1-10 scale.


Btw, your male friend is blowing smoke up your you know what.

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Guys tend not to use this terminology. Not amongst ourselves anyway.


We use terms like:






"not bad" or "average"




We also use a 1-10 scale.


Btw, your male friend is blowing smoke up your you know what.


Thank you ^^


Guys aren't looking for "inner beauty"...If you're good lookin', hot, attractive, etc. they are capable of forgiving you for shooting up a theater.


The better looking you are - the more they'll let you get away with.


Also, they'll take a pretty face over a perfect body any o'l day.

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To me, pretty refers primarily to a woman's face.


I'm not attracted to overweight women, but I recognize overweight women can be pretty. A mature Elizabeth Taylor, for example. A little heavy, but always a very pretty woman.


Nice looking, to me, is a combination of many other factors. Physical fitness, style of dress, personality, attitude and other things. Facial beauty 8 or 7. Pretty would be facial beauty of 9 - 10, in my opinion.


A pretty woman can be nice looking also.


A nice looking woman could be preferable to many men over a pretty woman. Personally, I'd choose an on point nice looking woman over one that was pretty and obese every single time. Or pretty with a nasty attitude. Or pretty and broke. You get the picture.


I guess the key is to do the best you can with what you have. There's more to attractiveness than a pretty face.

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Guys tend not to use this terminology. Not amongst ourselves anyway.


We use terms like:






"not bad" or "average"




We also use a 1-10 scale.


Btw, your male friend is blowing smoke up your you know what.


How is he blowing smoke up my.... elaborate, if you would.

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To me, pretty refers primarily to a woman's face.


I'm not attracted to overweight women, but I recognize overweight women can be pretty. A mature Elizabeth Taylor, for example. A little heavy, but always a very pretty woman.


Nice looking, to me, is a combination of many other factors. Physical fitness, style of dress, personality, attitude and other things. Facial beauty 8 or 7. Pretty would be facial beauty of 9 - 10, in my opinion.


A pretty woman can be nice looking also.


A nice looking woman could be preferable to many men over a pretty woman. Personally, I'd choose an on point nice looking woman over one that was pretty and obese every single time. Or pretty with a nasty attitude. Or pretty and broke. You get the picture.


I guess the key is to do the best you can with what you have. There's more to attractiveness than a pretty face.


I guess nice looking wasn't as much of an insult than I thought it was. I used to wonder if the term 'nice looking' was a nice way of saying she's ugly or not attractive lmao.

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Thank you ^^


Guys aren't looking for "inner beauty"...If you're good lookin', hot, attractive, etc. they are capable of forgiving you for shooting up a theater.


The better looking you are - the more they'll let you get away with.


Also, they'll take a pretty face over a perfect body any o'l day.


Unfortunately this is true for the most part. Although every man has their breaking point and I don't care how attractive a girl is if she's exhausting to date and too much to handle she's getting the boot. My last g/f was one of the more attractive people I've ever dated, she was my perfect type, but she was too needy and the harder I tried the more needy she became. Actually a nightmare to date. I miss her companionship and sex but not her issues.


Honestly, I'll take great personality and cute over beautiful and exhausting to date any day of the week.

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I'd take nice looking as generally ok. Pretty as mostly facial.


I'm pretty much always cute.

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Everyone has their own scale, so to one guy the girl at the check out is "nice looking" and to another she is "pretty skanky" and to another she is "smokin' hot".


So to answer your question it all depends on who your janitor thinks is "nice looking".

If he thinks Cameron Diaz is "nice looking" then you are OK, if however he thinks that overweight girl that works in the canteen with the huge nose, the wonky mouth and the annoying laugh is "nice looking", then you may be right to be a bit worried as to your own appeal.

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How is he blowing smoke up my.... elaborate, if you would.


Like I said, men don't use terms like 'nice looking' and 'pretty.' At least not very often.


"Hot" "cute" "not bad" "ugly" and some even more choice and not so polite terms are used by men.

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I strongly prefer men to answer this question for them personally what the difference is to THEM


1. Nice-looking - objective assessment, like looking at a modeling portfolio. 'She's a nice looking lady'


2. Pretty - A little more personal and specific to an individual 'You look pretty today'. This can be objective or subjective, with subjective being delineated by an emotional twinge of what I like to call 'buzz in the balls', e.g. a bit of sexual stimulation going on. Still, nothing overt or substantial.


I'll often use such adjectives to describe or compliment married lady friends I have. I rarely or never used such adjectives to describe my exW. The adjectives used were far more personal and descriptive and specific to only her, in that I never used them with other women. Why? Love and intimacy were the drivers.


However, you may wish to consider this outlier due to the reality that I don't 'sweet talk' women like most men do, meaning paying non-intimates looks-related compliments as a routine interaction.

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Everyone has their own scale, so to one guy the girl at the check out is "nice looking" and to another she is "pretty skanky" and to another she is "smokin' hot".


So to answer your question it all depends on who your janitor thinks is "nice looking".

If he thinks Cameron Diaz is "nice looking" then you are OK, if however he thinks that overweight girl that works in the canteen with the huge nose, the wonky mouth and the annoying laugh is "nice looking", then you may be right to be a bit worried as to your own appeal.


I think what a man finds "attractive" isn't also solely based in looks...Like on Jerry Springer, you see some lonely guys with Shamu and they are just happy that "someone" gave them attention and they ascribe Shamu to being the most prettiest thing they ever seen...


So yea, some other guy may call her Shamu, cuz he ain't interested in the dumpy chick that works at the pizza shop, but some dude might see Shamu as Princess Lea cuz she winked at him one day and was the first time ever someone winked at him...And yes, I'd be concerned if a guy found women attractive based on desperation rather than choice.

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I'm just going to make it simple on the scale:


No-Go: 1-3

Nice-Looking: 4-5

Pretty: 6-7

Hot: 8-9

Smokin' Hot: 10


*runs away and hides*

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I'm just going to make it simple on the scale:


No-Go: 1-3

Nice-Looking: 4-5

Pretty: 6-7

Hot: 8-9

Smokin' Hot: 10


*runs away and hides*


This is a joke. A very bad one.


No one on the planet considers a "4" to be nice looking.

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Interesting. So what does "Gorgeous" mean, and what does "Beautiful" mean?


As a man, I've gotten the following:







Good Looking


Also, a few in espanol as well.


I have not yet been called gorgeous.


I tend to think the compliments are interchangeable to some degree.

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Men will call a good looking female either HOT or CUTE. These are two different types of women and one is not necessarily better than the other. Hot and cute are not on the same spectrum/scale, at least in my world. One is a peach and the other is a mango.

Edited by S_A
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This is a joke. A very bad one.


No one on the planet considers a "4" to be nice looking.


The word "nice" is not necessarily always used to mean something complimentary, it can mean "pretty bad" or "not cool".

"Nice" looking can mean to some, not that great or average and I can therefore see where Jacob_Duluoz is coming from with his 4-5.


I think nice is a word that is said mostly when the intention is not to offend or it is a word that smooths the situation, a middle ground word.

He is a "nice guy" - he's OK, I suppose, nothing particularly bad, nothing particularly good, but it usually also means - he's not for me. There is also the implication of the unsaid "but", "He is a nice guy, but..."

What do you think of my mother?

She is a nice woman.


  1. She is a lovely women I wish she was my Mom.
  2. I don't know her, she seems OK.
  3. She is a loud mouthed harridan, but I am not going to gain any brownie points by telling you that, so I'll just say she is nice.

What do you think of my new car?

It's nice.


  1. Its a cheap rust bucket, but I do not want to offend you.
  2. It's fine.
  3. It's absolutely fabulous but I am not going to give you the satisfaction of thinking I am seriously impressed.


All this proves is that everyone has their own way of using words and whilst some meanings are almost universal, there are always going to be groups of people who have their own range of meanings for words.

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