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i would like some advive on subjects me and my girlfriend could talk about since im not that good at making conversation. if anyone could give me some suggestions on subjects for making conversation i would be greatful.

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Try some girly subjects - talk about her hair, her perfume, check out ppl who pass by togetehr, her fears, her dreams for future, the movies she likes, music she enjoys, her pets, her silly fights with parents, her nailpolish, etc etc! Girls are easy... just pay attention to them and they'll be happy =-)


I personally also like to hear inetersting stuff from my bf. He knows a lot of sciency stuff.. some is interesting, some if just fun to hear cuz he's so excited about it...


Good luck!! Just be open & try to make her comfortable with u.


- said by a girl!

i would like some advive on subjects me and my girlfriend could talk about since im not that good at making conversation. if anyone could give me some suggestions on subjects for making conversation i would be greatful.
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(follow up to !'s post)


....talk about her job/school...funny things that happened when you were a kid....something you saw on television that's memorable (my friends and i can't stop talking about temptation island,but i wonder how many couples have had fights about that show - perhaps that tv show isn't a great one to talk about!....talk about when you first realised you liked her....talk about what you would like to do together on the weekend....what you have done together....talk about your interests.....talk about her interests....talk about your favourite place(s) to go....talk about your family and funny/weird relatives....talk about her family (but not about anyone weird!)....


the list is endless. you'll find that when you start talking about something, she'll start talking about something back and the conversation will start to happen. but you don't always have to talk all the time. i find that you know you're really comfortable in a relationship when you don't always have to talk. silence can be comfortable too if you're comfortable with each other. sometimes just snuggling up and saying nothing can say a lot.

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