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"Cheaters" come alive around Christmas

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According to an article, the festive season increases communication between APs: either because the MP worries that the burden of family commitments over that period will reduce their availability to their AP, or simply because they need the support of the AP to survive the family commitments. Given that the time just after the festive season sees a huge spike in separations and Ds, my guess is it might be "all of the above".


During the A, my H didn't use to do family Christmas, because his family didn't like his xW and she loathed them, so he would either take the kids to the family and leave her behind, or stay home with the kids and hide from her in his study. Either way, we'd be in constant contact, and when he left, it was as soon after Christmas as he could.


So I guess we're just another statistic....

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“Luckily, modern technology allows Victoria Milan members to keep the passion alive. Nearly 40% of our members will be sending Christmas cheer via sex-selfies – that’s a present in itself,” he said.


Christmas cheer via sex selfies lmaoo I dunno why that seems comical. :lmao:

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Christmas cheer via sex selfies lmaoo I dunno why that seems comical. :lmao:


It's very popular among Tory politicians.... Perhaps they use little Christmas hats, too?

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My guy left his ex on Dec. 28. But she found the bat phone, at that point there was not much point in staying. She wanted to work things out but of course he left, stayed in a hotel for a few days and them moved to an apartment.

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I am new so forgive me. What are AP's and MP's?


My ex of 3 years broke up with me a little over a month ago after she cheated on me. Sorry if I'm littering LS with my story, but I'm dumfounded because I never saw it coming. It was two weeks before Christmas which is also my birthday and right before she was going on vacation. I can only assume the worst, but it is what is it.

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