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Feels Good, man

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Boredom was getting to me today; I've been in the house a lot since I've been unemployed.



So.......I decided to go to the mall, on this rainy day, and get something to eat. On my way I saw a homeless guy with his dog, and decided to get me an him something to eat. So after I bought the food, I went back to where he was pitched out at and asked if he was hungry. He was, so I gave him the food I had bought for him, asked if I could sit and eat mine with him, and we just chilled and ate/talked on the corner.



I noticed he was reading something when I sat down, and I asked what it was, and it was the bible (you know, that evil book that does no good for anyone). I kind of teared up for a minute, because I knew he was reading for strength and inspiration during a trying time he was going through. So, we talked about the bible for a while and about the struggles of life.



After a couple hours I said my good byes, and was on my way.



I'm not really writing this for a pat on the back. I notice I find myself loathing about being lonely a lot, and I see others who struggle with loneliness do the same. I guess what I am trying to say is you're never alone. The guy I talked with today was awesome. He had cool stories to tell, and we had commonalities, something to bond over.



So, whenever you're loathing, go find something to do for somebody else. I believe just being there to keep someone company for a little while can make such a difference.




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I tell people often (and live the words, too) that the most important thing you can give someone on the streets is acknowledgement that they are humans (in need). A straight look in the eye as you say hello. Talk to them about their life as if it matters to you. Because it should matter to you. We all should matter to one another, regardless of the books we read (all love, OP, to whatever book you want to read and live and love and talk about). When I am at a stop light in the city, and I am able to give food to someone (it's what I usually have that I know people need, when I am broke), I do just that. I say hello. Ask them about their day. Look them in the eye. Shake their hand. Live that hope for them in your heart, if even for a moment.


Energetics works!

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