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*LONG*Lowest our relationship has been......

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........and i am just going nuts inside. I feel sick, and all i can think about is her. We have been together for almost a year. It will be a year next month.


Friday night i went over her house, because her brother was having a birthday party. She had been busy all day and i hadnt received a call from her like i normally do. I didnt really think anything of it. I figured she was busy and i would just see her when i got to her house.


So I get there and her brother and friends and family are there and then i start to head up to her room and she is coming down stairs with a basket of clothes. She stops and i turn to her to give a kiss and say hi. We kiss and then she goes on her way. She definately didnt seemed excited to see me. Then a little bit later that evening she leaves with her dad to get pizza, then they come back. Her friend comes over, and we are sitting there eating. I was trying to make conversation and she just sorta didnt seem concentrated on me like she normally does. So i got kinda pissed and went out to my car to listen to some music that she had burnt on a cd for my brother that night.


As i was listening to it in my car she came out and sat in the car with me. Then she turned to me and said "I'm am sorry but I dont know how to say this." "I think i need space." "I'm not feeling connected to you for some reason, and i have too much going on in my life" She has been getting pretty busy with school this semester. Lots of tests. Her family has been kinda stressful with ways she has been treated from them, and she has joined up for softball at her college and her softball coach has been making a busy schedule lately.


So i didnt see her all day Saturday and I let her call me. We talked over alot of stuff that day on the phone and she said she really felt better about the talk we had. So she came over Sunday because my mom had already made a plan for her to come over for dinner. Well at first when she came over it was a little akward, but we quickly got comfortable with each and really had a great day. It was really refreshing. She also mentioned that she was sorry about the "wanting space" talk she gave me on Friday. One thing she talked about on the phone on Saturday was that she misses alot of the passionate make-out sessions we used to have when we first dated. We still have them now but they hadnt been lasting as long, and we usually go straight to sex pretty quickly more so then when we first started dating. So on Sunday i made sure to throw in alot of making out at every possible chance i could get. She seemed to enjoy it. We went out later that day and while we were out we got really horny. So we went back to my house, and we were in the room and we started to make out and i let her make the move to sex and it never happened. I am not upset that we didnt have sex, but i am just kinda lost with all of this. I mean yesterday she over the phone she was talking about how she was thinking about me all day, and that she misses me, yet this weekend she is really busy with softball and doesnt seem completely upset that she wont see me except on Friday.


I dont know what to do. I love this girl so much! I know she loves me, but i dont know how to approach this situation. I want to give her space like she originally said and not invade her, but i think she likes it when i give her attention by calling her and stuff like that. I am so confused! My stomach has been twisting since friday. I love her so much, but i feel that one wrong move could spell distaster at this point in our relationship.

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i think you both need to know wht she means by Space.

is it that she gets to call the shots now and leave you in wonder?

is it no more sex?

how are tyou supposed to have really long make out sessions if she is sooo busy and says she needs space?


a lot of things need to be cleared up.

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Well the sex issue is another thing. She is suffering from reoccuring yeast infection. I think we both have to get cured of it instead of just her. I think i may be giving it back to her since she has proably given it to me in the past. So this whole problem in itself is definately putting a hamper on our sex life.

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