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Help me please!

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I have been best friends with this girl for 2 years and I have always had very deep feelings for her. I am to the point now where I would like to pursue a relationship but i am not sure what i should do, or how I should approach her.


Can someone please point me in the right direction?

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So why did you wait two years? You have basically mislead her all this time, making her think you were her platonic friend when all the while you wanted more.


The big problem here is if she has put you in the buddy category real strong and won't be able to transition to romance, you have had it. You basically gave her more and more time to think of you ONLY as a friend.


Your only hope is if she has feelings for you as well...but I think you would know this if it were the case.


You have to go ahead and tell her. Just let her know that you really enjoy her company and if she would ever like to take the friendship to a higher level, you would be open to that. Then watch for her reaction.


If she doesn't like the idea, take it like a man and move on to find yourself some romance. And when you meet a lady you are interested in, don't wait two years to go for it. Yes, I know this may have intensified gradually but when you saw your feelings developing, you should have made your move.


There is a chance here and you have no choice but to go for it. You can't keep misrepresenting your intentions to her. And, if I were you, I wouldn't tell her you've had feelings for her for two years. I don't think she would be wild about that, especially if she considered you a real good platonic friend.


Good luck. Sometimes these do work out very well.

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