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Cold Sore the size of Texas

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I have a freakin COld Sore the size of texas on my outer lip. I do have a history of them and have had outbreaks for years- This one is so visable- I want to stay home. How do I function at work like this? What do people think?

I will go back to doctor- Anyone know what is the strongest medication?? How can I at least try to cover it up during work hours?

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I make a lip balm called Simplex RX and I firm it with beeswax....but a quick fix would be equal ammounts of ESSENTIAL oils of Lavender, geranium, and Tea Tree. mix in glass little jar.I use 1oz jojoba or any vegetable oil in a pinch,1/2 oz of the essential oil blend, and use a fresh q-tip to apply as needed. Can be used in nostrils,and on outer lips and face as often as needed.It REALLY works fast and is good to as soon as you feel that tingle the day before ya break out. It will heal it up real fast too! Good luck! Trust me, it works!!! Just Google the essential oils and you will be amazed at all they do!!!

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Did I make out with you last weekend? Just kidding. I have one too, the size of AUSTRALIA! Horrible! My lip gets swollen and I look hideous!


I am prone to them also and a friend told me about Abreva - its over the counter and it seems to be helping. I might be a little late in the advice on this since you posted last week but try it. Its expensive but it does help!

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I get them too and my doctor gave me Valtrex. He said theres nothing really that can make them go away faster and the more stuff you put on your lip the more you irritate it.


I hate that my doctor says stress causes it and makes it worse and he tells me not to stress out so much...How can i not stress when I have a coldsore the size of a bowling ball on my lip!!!!???!!!!

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