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Is masturbation good for you?

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I'm confused about how martial arts fights and exams relate to spirituality. :p



But what are the spiritual advantages to not masturbating? I personally don't think there are any.



I think there are spiritual advantages to not lusting after others. I don't know why that is. And it's not an easy thing to do. But the bible says that sexual sins can be sins against our own bodies! No other sins affect us in that particular way (I think). So sexual immorality is a pretty big deal.


Oh, you may be surprised. Spirituality is heavily engrained in any true martial art. One's performance may be heavily dependent on spirituality, even to the point of life and death. Exams are very similar in nature.


This is a short interview clip with Rickson Gracie:


He explains that it removes the vital energy that you would be accumulating for a fight, just like racing horses.

Edited by jonsnuh
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Oh, you may be surprised. Spirituality is heavily engrained in any true martial art. One's performance may be heavily dependent on spirituality, even to the point of life and death. Exams are very similar in nature.


This is a short interview clip with Rickson Gracie:


He explains that it removes the vital energy that you would be accumulating for a fight, just like racing horses.


The answer on sex and sports performance: it depends. I saw it on a video, from the internet :p.


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Well, I'm not much for religion, but if there is a God, why would He make our bodies so pleasurable if He didn't want us to have fun with them?


Masturbation is extremely healthy for a man's prostate, and more importantly, a key step in discovering your own sexuality, what you like, and what don't like.


The sexual repression that is such a feature of your particular religion is created by men with the express purpose of controlling the natural desires of people. There is nothing "divine" about it. Believe me, God is way more concerned with you just treating other people with kindness and respect.


I say, masturbate away. Good luck.


^This to a T

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