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Just Friends? or what?


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A male friend of mine that I've liked for almost years make a move on me Sat night. (He knew a while ago that I was interested and nothing ever happened)


We fooled around for a bit, but nothing major. But now I don't know what to think. He's not the kind of guy to jeopadize our good friendship (we have everything in common, which was always part of my attraction for him).


Should I just sit back and see what happens or take some initiative? I don't want to do anything for fear he's just going to write the night off as a drunked hook-up.


Any advice?

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It's really not a very good, honest friendship if you are around him wanting lots more. You need to tell him you are interested in upgrading the friendship. Like anything else in love, there are risks. Yes, you could lose the friendship at some point...that's possible. You can lose a lover as well. But why drive yourself crazy and get hurt constantly being around somebody you have feelings for and are unable to express them.


Talk to him in a friendly way and let him know that if one day he would be open to it, you would like to upgrade the friendship to more. See what his reaction is. The conversation should flow from there.


If you don't come out and talk to him, you are leaving all of the control to him...and that's not good when you need some answers.

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