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I think you need to let her go.


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It sounds to me like she has already made up her mind about what she wants. No matter what you say or do won't affect her decision. Sorry to say. You are both young and probably haven't dated that much yet. She just wants to play the field and see what else is out there. I think this happens to a lot of guys and girls around that age. I don't think it has anything to do with what you do or don't do.

Howdy~ I am a 16 year old male who has been expiriencing a lot of trouble in a deterioraing relationship. My girlfriend, 17, of a little over a year and two months decided to drop the bomb on me about "she needs to find herself".... She claims that she isn't having fun in her life because she feels tied down to me...she has been able to do pretty much whatever she wants, it's just that i have expressed how much i care about her that she feels that she can't do the things that she wants to do because she would hurt me by doing them. we have fought many times about this and she feels like there can never be an 'us'. i am always willing to work things out but i am afraid that she is giving up now. could anyone share some advice on what i should do about this??? should i stay or should i go? i love her with all my heart but now i don't know what to do~


Greatly appreciated, the pigman~

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