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Doing my best


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I am working on building my company from home , I took a course in web design and currently have three medium size companies in the process of signing contracts with me , but I am also looking for a job in a company as a entry level developer too.(working with three staffing agencies) until my companiy is stable , I have been told they get paid $35 an hour to start, so hopefully by the end of this month I will not need him in any way and that will be my friends, the day I have freedom from everything that has kept me in this emotional prison he likes to call love .


Thanks you guys are great !

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Good! In the old days, many "unskilled" women had to stay in bad marriages or relationships because they were financially dependent. They were stuck, but this is the year 2001 and we don't have to live that way any more. Congrats on pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps and on being on the road to independence.

I am working on building my company from home , I took a course in web design and currently have three medium size companies in the process of signing contracts with me , but I am also looking for a job in a company as a entry level developer too.(working with three staffing agencies) until my companiy is stable , I have been told they get paid $35 an hour to start, so hopefully by the end of this month I will not need him in any way and that will be my friends, the day I have freedom from everything that has kept me in this emotional prison he likes to call love . Thanks you guys are great !
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