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I was seeing a guy a few months ago for about a month. He told me that he had always liked me and things started great and he really seemed to like me.

I know he has been hurt badly by his ex wife and girlfriends since, so seems scared to get involved with someone incase he gets hurt again.

Suddenly 2 months ago he tells me that he that he thought he was ready for a relationship, but realises he isn't. Says he likes me but he isn't ready for anything and can only offer me friendship right now.

Since this time he doesn't text or call.

I see him occasionally at his work for a few minutes, and he looks at me, acts nice, laughs, seems interested, has got jealous when I mentioned another guys name, seems to keep my talking an extra few minutes even when he's busy.

I just get confused - when he sees me I think he likes me, yet he ignores me inbetween.

Is he just scared and wants us to work and is just trying to get himself ready for a relationship and will he want me in the future? Or does he just not want me?!?

Confused as I really like him

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He knows I like him and that I will wait 6 months for him to be ready. Also told him to just tell me if he doesn't see a future with me or he wants someone else or wants to keep his options open and he hasn't replied to my texts!

Should I wait

Is he really not ready

Does he like me

Does he sound like he wants a relationship with me eventually

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My suggestion, move on. No need to wait around for someone to come around because they don't know what they want. Move on, find someone who DOES know what he wants, start dating him and watch your former lover come crawling back in envy. But by all means, don't move on just for the sake of getting the other guy jealous. Move on for you!

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All he can offer is friendship. Don't wait up for someone who has asked you not to. Multi-date and maintain the friendship with this guy if you can keep from feeling like you want more. If things change, he will let you know. But don't count on it.


Now get out there! Good luck.

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He hasn't told me not to wait - I told him I was gonna wait 6 months for him, and told him to tell me if he didnt want me to wait or was keeping his options open - he has never replied!!!

Doesn't text me, just flirts when I see him!

He acted like he really liked me those first few wks - told me he had been hurt so many times and scared of getting hurt again. He told me to give him space, but I freaked and didn't, which is when he eventually said that he just wanted me to give him space but I hadn't given him it, so all he could offer me right now is friendship!

Confused, just unsure if he likes me, wants me to wait, can see a future with me, wants to be with me, but just needs time to sort out his head or whether he is just stringing me along, but don't think he is

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...I told him I was gonna wait 6 months for him...


See, that's the problem. Don't wait. He doesn't want you to. You're only holding yourself back and building unreasonable expectations if you do wait.

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