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How do you know all this stuff?....you give great advice. Thank you. Can I ask you something else? if you are getting tired of helping me, just tell me. This is my first really serious relationship where I have been in love with a guy. In the past when I have broken up with guy's it hasn't been so bad. So I was wondering how do you heal from a relationship, I know it sound's silly..but I really dont know how...


thank you once again.

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1. How do you know all this stuff?....you give great advice.


All of what stuff??? Thank you for the very nice compliment, however.


2. Can I ask you something else?




3. if you are getting tired of helping me, just tell me.


Not tired yet, got plenty of sleep last night after the Bucs won on Monday Night Football.


4. So I was wondering how do you heal from a relationship, I know it sound's silly..but I really dont know how...


Not a silly question at all, but one next to impossible to answer. It's not something you really learn how to do or even get good at. It's something that's forced upon you by circumstances and you just do your best at it. Everyone heals in his/her own time and way. Some people tend to get over relationships very quickly, others take a rather long time. But time is the main medicine required here. There are various stages of the healing process. When you get to the point where you are mad as hell, you are just about ready to move on.


People who tend to feel very deeply and who are extremely analytical and introspective tend to take a lot more time to heal. Wasting a lot of timing thinking about how things might have come out differently is not at all productive. You can screw your mind up real bad that way. Everything happens exactly the way it's supposed to. Accept reality as it is presented to you, process it, grieve your loss, and move on.


I suggest you do special things for yourself during this time. Don't even think about men until you feel you are up to it. Be with friends, share your feelings with close, trusted friends, but don't burn their ears off with your problems and feelings on a repeated basis. If you get to feeling really down, read some books on the grieving process or visit a good counsellor who can give you some coping skills.


I promise you that gradually, with time, you will feel better than ever.

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