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ATTACK! Ladies what is your worst nightmare?


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Something I saw on Oprah made me think of this-


What would be the worst physical attack to your person? I mean excluding danger to others (family and friends) Women on the show seem to fear being raped- but what about you.


For me- I fear permant disfigurement- I'm not completely vain but remember that model yrs ago whose stalker slashed her face? Or women who have had acid thrown on their faces! That is my personal nightmare- someone doing something permanant to my face- an everyday reminder of an attack.


Guess this is a morbid curiosity thread - but it caught my attention that so many women thought that rape would be the one thing they could never recover from. I'm not saying any attack could be shrugged off and your life go back to normality- but what do you think would do the most damage to you personally?

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It's definately rape for me. DEFINATELY. I don't go out at night alone, unless I MUST, I always check the back seat before opening the door to my car, I keep my keys held in such a way to really hurt someone if they touch me. I keep an eye on everyone that passes. OOOHHOOO, I am so paranoid about getting raped. I couldn't imagine someone forcing themselves into my personal space that way. I don't know if I could live with it :(

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What would be the worst physical attack to your person?


A sharp item aimed at my eyes. I love my eyes more than anything and one of my biggest fears is going blind.


Getting acid thrown in my face is a close second.


I am not worried about rape because I -foolishly!!!!- think that "it could never happen to me".

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1.Loose my sight

2.become paralized and totally dependent on others (for instance I watch children playin the sand and hurt themselves so carelessly... GOOOD)

3. loose my hear (I think I would be devasted not to be able to listen to music or voices or the wind again)

4. rape

5. being disfigured

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hmm- definately not my worst fear before b/c it never even occured to me but 2 of you seriously fear it.


Funny how total strangers share the same fears huh- and yet it didn't even occur to another...

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Blind.. paralyzed...all fall into my fear which someone else put perfectly...


I'm terrified of getting attacked and becoming dependant on others...


Being stuck home or in a wheelchair and not being able to control my own life....


Looks fade anyways.....


Anything else I think I can handle.

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I'm terrified of getting pucnhed in the face or hit in the head in any way. I just imagine all those awful sound effects form movies, the crushing or smashing or chopping noises and I can't deal with that. Or being stabbed....that scares the piss out of me. And I hate guns so of course being shot is scary...but not anything that I have a real visual about like the others/ Oh god, and drowing....I am terrified of drowning...or someone holding my head underwater for some reason...I can't even hold my breath underwater I'm so scared of that....lets see what else...well of course being dependent on others, paralyzed or something would be awful...yeah..pretty mcuh any type of physical abuse scares the hell out of me...I can't even watch viloent movies wihout cringing or covering up my eyes...

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you know, rape sucks, but at least no one can look at you and know. so you wouldn't have to relive it over and over again as people stared at you in horror or 'politely' asked you why you had no nose...


so if I had to choose between a (physically) painless rape that I barely remembered (like what I have suffered through) or a horribly painful eye-gauging or flesh eating acid...eek. i'd rather be raped (never EVER thought i'd say that...)


might have something to do with the fact that i'm a total baby when it comes to pain and the fact that i KNOW that i can survive and 'deal with' rape...

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I'm not saying for sure I could survive rape and handle it (knwck on wood) but there are worse things...


Also for some reason I'm deathly afraid of being lost in the woods with no water..no food. and absolutely no way of getting home....ahhhhhhh


I would go insane....

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I've HEARD of people that have survived maiming attacks and pulled thru but (sadly) I've KNOWN rape survivors who make it thru and are often stronger b/c of the attack. I'm DEFINATELY not saying rape would be a nifty right of passage to make a woman strong! But at least I've had 2nd hand personal experiances w/ women who could cope.


Thank goodness I've never known a woman who has been attacked in a disfiguring manner- but I think the unkown aspect is what makes it my fear.

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Did you ever read The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King? That girl was my hero- I definately fear the woods. Good job Brothers Grimm- you have kept this single maiden from wandering astray.

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Lol no I haven't read it but I will now....


I think reading is what gave me this fear ...


I remember being a little girl and my mother was reading a little story called "Little Red Riding Hood"


:eek: Tramautized for life.. :laugh:

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Originally posted by Fayebelle

I'm DEFINATELY not saying rape would be a nifty right of passage to make a woman strong!


omg. what a horrible thought...

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Woods were dangerous for kids and females- notice no guys were ever attacked by the big bad wolf? ;)


Definately read TGWLTG- I grew out of Stephen King yrs ago (he became too formulated) but that one was a great exception- all my friends passed it around for months

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I have been taken hostage before..and came out ok but the thought of being held captive in IRAQ blinfolded while they were speaking another language and planning to behead me.....



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kneecaps baaaad



Ew- fingernails ripped from their bed (ala Stir of Echoes or The Ring) Ahhhhhhh!


EC- Don't forget you are a woman though- the chances of you not getting repeatedly raped in that situation seems slim to me. So that is just horror upon horror :(


:eek: deifinately a freaky thread- I had no idea how many horrors this was going to make me think of.

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I'm not afraid of the woods at all. I love the woods...if I could I would build a cabin in the middle of the woods and never come out...ever...

I also know a little bit (one day I'll know more) about fending for myself and foraging for food so I don't think I would starve...I know how to make a fire... and how to fish and stuff, I dunno...people and cities scare me a whole lot more than nature does. And bears and lions and things of that nature don't just eat people for no reason...especially bears...they get a really bad rap...umm...


the knee caps thing really freaked me out. it kind of had a smiliar effect to finger nails on a chalk board...(shudder)

I think that I would rather be emotionally scarred than physically, not because I'm superficial...but as you guys were saying...if you lived with the scars of your attack that you could see on a daily basis it would be a lot harder to cope with. not that dealing with being raped is easy, but at least you don't think about it every day...at least no one can tell from the outside and ask you about it all the time...


I would hate to have people feeling sorry for me...I hate that more than anything...


and yeah again with the head issue...I don't like being hit in the head even playfully...I hate it, hate it, hate it!


Oh god, I know the worst one yet...female cirumcision...like they do in 3rd world countries to these poor girls....omg....omg...omg...I could not even imagine!

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Oh god, I know the worst one yet...female cirumcision...like they do in 3rd world countries to these poor girls....omg....omg...omg...I could not even imagine!


OMG I know I posted an article about it a while ago to lazy to find it but yeah it freaked me out..

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She's Come Undone

I think my deepest fear would be something happening to me or my son causing one of us to grow up without the other.


Bugs. They scare me in the same way as a rabid dog might.

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I don't mind bugs either. i love bugs actually...and lizards and all creepy crawlies. I don't kill things...its against my non-violent code of ethics so there are all kinds of creatures that live on my back porch at the house. One time during the summer I had a bee that I swear to God came and visited me every day, he would come and find me wherever I was in the yard and just buzz around a few feet from me for a while...I of course would say, "hello mr. bee how are you today?" and stuff like that. -tangent


I would just die if anything every happened to my bf or my family... :(

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Originally posted by Fayebelle

Did you ever read The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King? That girl was my hero- I definately fear the woods. Good job Brothers Grimm- you have kept this single maiden from wandering astray.


I enjoyed the book, even if I found it very different from the other books by Stephen King.

The girl was so brave!!!!!

I got lost in the woods once when I was 14 - it was for a couple of hours and where I live it is basically _impossible_ to get lost in the woods for longer than a few hours, and there are no grizzly bears, deadly snakes, deadly bugs - but it was enough to scare me to death.

I find *terrifying* the idea of getting lost in a forest like the ones in the US or Canada.

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