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My bf will not be coming home until late tongiht from working 6 hr away for a week. This going to be a long day! I was soo insecure about him going cause im afraid of being hurt especially since he forgot his cell phone charger and his phone died so i havent talked to him a a few days also....*sigh*

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I didnt see him last night he had a family get together (he lives and hour away form me) for his little cousins bday. I spoke to him on the phone and he didnt sounds as nearly as excited i was to hear form him and not even a "i miss u".

so we argeed to getogether today and his mother is perstering him to do the "heavy" work around the house...the guys work cause his dad is having ip surgury so i doubt i will see him today but he doesnt see too uipset by that like me....gee soemtimes i wish i had the emotions of a guy where a lot of things I can just say "oh well thats how it goes" but instead i get upset and disapointed cause it has now been a week since i saw him. It bugs me more that he just doesnt say to his mom...look i havent seen her for a while i am going to see her but noooooo

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