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just a worried femal

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My boyfriend has a drinking problem. He's been chugging a liter of vodek a day.


Really he takes it down in only a couple of hours before bed. He has been in the reserves for the past 5 yrs. and they have called him up for active duty, so he uses the alcohol as a crotch to not think about going to iraq.


I can't tell him anything b/c he tells me I'm not the one going to iraq and when he dosen't get his alcohol he can't sleep all night and then goes to work restless


What should/can I do???????????????????


He know he needs to get in shape and start thinking clearly but just won't. any advice

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When is he leaving?

There may not be alot that you can do because it is his decision.

I know you "can't tell him anything" but you have to hold back and not do it.


You have to take care of yourself. Look into Al-anon meetings in your area. First things first, take care of yorself and learn not to "enable" him. Gather information about alcoholism- AA etc. There are people who can relate to you. For some, one drink is one too many.


It sounds like he may be having a bout of depression and alcohol is a depressant so it feeds the problem.

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Oh, a liter a day. That is a-lot of Vodka! And Ouch! That has got to hurt in the morning! Poor guy! And you have my sympathies as well. I concur with Butcheyboo. Go to a-lot of Al-anon, tell your story and get to know the people there. They will help you.


He can’t sleep without the boose because every cell in his body is screaming for the “fix”. He needs a good long DeTox, complete with medication to keep him from going into cardiac arrest. Then he could sleep, but that alcoholic brain will start talking to him, so he needs a big dose of counseling plus AA.


Get your boyfriend to talk to his sergeant, the army knows all about drunks, and, hopefully, they will get him help.


Do not let him drive! Do not ride with him. If he is doing a liter a day, then he is never sober. Always buckle up!


Our guys in IRAQ… A lot of them are going to have problems with alcohol after all the hell they have seen over there. People getting their arms and legs blown off. Kids getting burned to death. I read an article about one of our Marines getting burned so bad… his eyes and nose were gone. He has a young wife and kids… It is enough to make we want some vodka just thinking about it.

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