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What would your reaction be if a girl commented on your Facebook status and said...

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I was feeling sorry for myself wrote a bit of a depressing Facebook status earlier, but I feel better now. A girl just commented on it saying: "Let's go lunch and chat. I'm paying."


She's very cool and hot but I haven't seen her since leaving school years ago. We talk on social media now and again... Guys, what would your reaction be if this happened to you? Girls, what would you think of a girl that did this?

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just putting out a feeler, imho, if you say no, then that's up to you, if you mean she might want quick sex, idk, but i wouldn't ask openly on facebook for it, in a personal message maybe perhaps yes, you'll never for sure know til you reply, go to the lunch and see

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Guys, what would your reaction be if this happened to you? Girls, what would you think of a girl that did this?


Who cares? Sorry, but what are you actually asking? Whether or not to go have lunch with a hot and cool girl who is offering you free food? Yes, go have lunch with her.

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