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Stupid ME


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I posted a message a while ago asking if i should get involved with a guy who is here from Australia till May. Like an idiot I didn't listen to Tony's advice(sorry Tony) and started dating him. He is my boyfriend now and I have grown to care about him very much. My problem is that there is a good chance now that he will have to leave me by December. Im so heartbroken. Like a loser I let myself get attached to him. I was wrapped up in the idea that by May we could assess our relationship and decide if we could work something out(I go to Australia, he stays here, ect.). He cares about me a lot our feelings are very mutual but financial reasons might make it impossible for him to stay. I don't know how to help him. My parents won't let him stay with us. I am trying to offer suggestions about off the books jobs and whatnot, but I am scared that we just won't make it. Can anybody offer me any advice on this situation? Am I being immature by thinking we can work things out?

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If he's having to leave for financial reasons, we are now in the best job market in American history. Surely, there are some workplaces that would be happy to pay him under the table for work performed. If he advertises in your local newspaper, I'm sure he can find someone he can barter for a place to stay in return for some work he can do for them. Maybe there is someone who is going out of the country for a year and needs a housesitter. Perhaps there's someone who needs a part time handyman around their large house and will give him a room in return for some work. There are just so many possiblities.


If there are other problems, they can be solved the same way. All you have to do is think...use your noodle. Anything can work out with the right ideas. You got a few weeks to come up with something.

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Thanks Tony, I know I'll come up with something. I'll let you know how things work out.



If he's having to leave for financial reasons, we are now in the best job market in American history. Surely, there are some workplaces that would be happy to pay him under the table for work performed. If he advertises in your local newspaper, I'm sure he can find someone he can barter for a place to stay in return for some work he can do for them. Maybe there is someone who is going out of the country for a year and needs a housesitter. Perhaps there's someone who needs a part time handyman around their large house and will give him a room in return for some work. There are just so many possiblities. If there are other problems, they can be solved the same way. All you have to do is think...use your noodle. Anything can work out with the right ideas. You got a few weeks to come up with something.


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He has to come up with something too. It can't be all you and your need to have him stick around. From the sound of your post, he is all to ready to go back, even though he is fond of you. The yearning to be together sounds too 1-sided.

Thanks Tony, I know I'll come up with something. I'll let you know how things work out. :)Vanessa
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