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Hey all, I was abused when I was younger.. Not sexually but every way possible.. Will that affect when I have a boyfriend?

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Uh, that's a very relative question. My boyfriend was sexually abused as an older child, but he seems to have dealt with it very well. I also was abused emotionally, and sometimes THAT tends to cause a problem, more then anything. I tend to do to my boyfriend what was done to me on a much milder level...Not physically, but I occasionally will guilt trip him, or just be harsh on him for stupid things. I just have to take a step back and realize what I'm doing. He also calmly tells me to chill out. He's very good to me. I'm very lucky.


My bf and I are both really gentle people, so we just try to work through the hard times with ample understanding for eachother.


But, I suggest therapy first and foremost. Relationship counceling. Not all people will understand what it is to be abused, and you should be prepared for that. Like... if something someone says triggers a memory of something painful that happened to you, your SO won't really understand what he/she did to cause such a horrific reaction. Communication and patience are essential.

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