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Anyone out there....was really bad off and healed.

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Success stories? I have so much pain that needs to be numbed....nothing is working. I am in therapy, taking prescriptions, that are doing nothing. They are not numbing my pain and nothing I do makes it go away. I can hardly function.....move. I am sane but feel like I must be crazy.

I have normal thought processes, but am not living. No prospects give me any excitement...I have zero interest in doing anything. The thought of having fun seems to involve too much energy. Has anyone felt like this and healed?

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Hmm, guess not, their all f'cking dead. I WILL get over this.


I've felt like that before, Brit. I personally don't believe in prescription meds for depression. I think time heals all wounds. I went through a depression several years ago after my first girlfriend and I broke up. I slept a lot. That was my way of escaping. Sometimes you just gotta feel the pain. Feel the pain. Stare it right in the eye. Challenge it to do it's worst. It will knock you out for the count. It will. But challenge it to do it's worst. Then you'll find that there is still part of you left that it cannot defeat. It's also ESSENTIAL to pray. Look, the Bible says that God is close to the crushed in spirit. It's when we are at the lowest points that God moves the most.

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Nice to hear, i read about the pain on here from break ups. Break ups were never that bad for me, yes there were a few, where it took a few weeks. But, this has nothing to do with that, this has to do with feeling as if a vampire has sucked my very soul outside my body. He was an emotional vampire and slowly destroyed my core which feels dead, i do not feel the sadness or the lost of love, I feel the loss of life. I feel emotionally dead toward life, but a deep deep feeling of emotional pain....like a scream that just manifests as mourning a loss of self, crying for 14 hrs....days upon days is taking it's toll on me and nothing triggers it, it just comes crashing down...

I am not myself....i cannot even by a bar of soap? I know i need to for days...but have no desire....energy to make a short stop to do so, just eat what may or most likely is not there, bread slices today, because that is all there is....i hate myself....it is like get your ass to the grocery store, clean something...like a frat house. This is so opposite of me. I have gone through all the shampoo in place of soap...why not just buy a fricking bar of soap. I hope you are right....and it will pass.

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When I left my abusive marriage 18 years ago, I felt that way for months. I was badly injured, but people blamed me so they would not help me in any way. I finally had to get up, put on tattered clothes (ex cut up all my clothes) and take my bald stapled head to the store, avoiding stares all the way.


It came down to this. I decided that nothing and no one was going to keep me from getting through this. Even myself.


The feeling of knowing that the man I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with tried to end my life was excruciating. It took a long time to get over all that happened....but I did.

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When I left my abusive marriage 18 years ago, I felt that way for months. I was badly injured, but people blamed me so they would not help me in any way. I finally had to get up, put on tattered clothes (ex cut up all my clothes) and take my bald stapled head to the store, avoiding stares all the way.


It came down to this. I decided that nothing and no one was going to keep me from getting through this. Even myself.


The feeling of knowing that the man I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with tried to end my life was excruciating. It took a long time to get over all that happened....but I did.


So sorry this happened to you, seems like you are doing well. People like this should have blatant poison sign tattoos on the forehead.

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My ex hurt me badly throughout the relationship. Twice, it was so bad, I felt like I was going to die...just die. Never knew love could be that painful. It still hurts a great deal but not as much as before. There's nothing like abuse to make you feel like crap, you know. But thank goodness I'm better. It's been 8 months since we've been on friendly terms, 11 months since I left him, and 2 1/2 months since I broke NC to tell him off. I can't expect too much healing at one timer. I have to take it a little at a time.


I think you should do that too. Spend time doing things you like. Get to know yourself. Journal. Take yourself out to dinner. Take care of you and let time take care of the rest.

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When I left my abusive marriage 18 years ago, I felt that way for months. I was badly injured, but people blamed me so they would not help me in any way. I finally had to get up, put on tattered clothes (ex cut up all my clothes) and take my bald stapled head to the store, avoiding stares all the way.


It came down to this. I decided that nothing and no one was going to keep me from getting through this. Even myself.


The feeling of knowing that the man I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with tried to end my life was excruciating. It took a long time to get over all that happened....but I did.


I'm so sorry. That is terrible. That goodness you got over it.

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Thanks, I've had two long term relationships since all that happened, I just wanted to let people know that there is life after a break up, no matter how horrible it was.

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