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VERY insecure about my girlfriend drinking without me idk what i should do.

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thank you! although i do appreciate all of the feedback and i do take it ALL seriously it is nice to have someone here that DOES have ONE positive thing to say. ...


Evaluate carefully, whether it's because it actually all makes correct sense - or whether it's just what you want to hear..Simon and Garfunkel put it well...


"A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest... (do-do dooh....)"


occasionally we hold out so much hope for one single voice of agreement, in the loud cacophony of baying cries of contradiction....

And when we hear its lone song, we turn to the multitude, and cry, "See? I was right...!"


And crash, and burn.....

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:laugh: CC12 don't take forums too personally... professor X is just cheeky;)


Matthew, you've been 'warned', and you have also made your decision. It's these experiences / choices that you make now (being in your 20s) that will help you know what you want for your future in terms of relationships. So view this relationship as a learning experience and understand that you will most likely have other, perhaps more meaningful relationships down the road.


"relationships are about trust and taking chances", yes but with experience you will learn to be more prudent and only take chances on the best options. Good luck and have fun in college!

Edited by Lil1
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Professor X
:laugh: CC12 don't take forums too personally... professor X is just cheeky;)


Matthew, you've been 'warned', and you have also made your decision. It's these experiences / choices that you make now (being in your 20s) that will help you know what you want for your future in terms of relationships. So view this relationship as a learning experience and understand that you will most likely have other, perhaps more meaningful relationships down the road.


"relationships are about trust and taking chances", yes but with experience you will learn to be more prudent and only take chances on the best options. Good luck and have fun in college!


Lucky number 8! We meet again...

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how about a private lesson regarding the wonders of the perfect # 8 professor? ... I'm sure I could benefit from your.. ahem... intimate knowledge on this subject! LOL!!!:laugh::D:bunny:

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thank you! although i do appreciate all of the feedback and i do take it ALL seriously it is nice to have someone here that DOES have ONE positive thing to say.


Ok, this is what irks me. Obviously we aren't all, but the one, far off, otherwise you wouldn't be here thinking the same things we are thinking.


You come here with a predetermined idea of what you want to do, so you are waiting for ONE person to validate that. So why even ask the questions? Do what you know you already want to do. You are just going to have to learn the hard way. Good luck with a college party girl.

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I find it fishy that she wants to actually "party". I can understand the drinking part. I am in college (last year!!) and my boyfriend is back at home and is not with me at school. I drink but it's always in my little apartment, in my private bedroom as I watch TV or something....I would not go to a party and get hammered. If I did, then I'd want my boyfriend there.


We all know what college partying is like. I don't think she is being naive. I think she knows what she is getting into and is fine with that.

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Professor X
how about a private lesson regarding the wonders of the perfect # 8 professor? ... I'm sure I could benefit from your.. ahem... intimate knowledge on this subject! LOL!!!:laugh::D:bunny:


Why Lil1, giving private lessons is my expertise. Accepted.

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Just want to throw in my vote for breaking up now. You are both too young. She wants to experience college party life. Unless she's a cow, opportunities will be available every time she goes out. Is her love for you that strong? You may think so. SHE may think so. As someone alluded to earlier, are you willing to sit at home alone EVERY SINGLE Friday and Saturday night wondering about the guys she's partying with? I couldn't do it.


One month of agony after you break up will be a LOT better than YEARS of misery while she's away (which will STILL end up with your full month or more of agony when you break up. And it WILL happen).


A general rule is that as soon as one or more members of a relationship go away to college, the relationship is off until graduation. If you get back together then, it was meant to be.


She WILL date other men while away. She SHOULD date other men while away.


Good luck. I know it sucks.

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Even the "ugly girls" get hit on while at college. I am not ugly but I would consider myself "average" looking in that I am very plain. I am also overweight. I have had guys interested in me and I am NOT flirty, did not seek them out, and I do NOT party at all. Part of it may be that they find me attractive and maybe my personality. It happens.


A lot of college guys are pretty desperate in my experience. Parties are regular old meat markets. Lots of guys to get liquored up and hope to get some, with any chick. No matter what you look like, someone is gonna hit on you. :p

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Feelin Frisky

Dude, you two are teens or close to it. Young couples face going to different schools and being drawn away from each other all the time. You're doing an unhealthful disservice to yourself by obsessing over what she does out of sight of you. And need to concentrate on what you do. It's physics--you just can't have her and not have her at the same time. So get with the facts. Maybe she really isn't all you hope or believe her to be--that's her business to decide as she face her time away at school. If she's letting on that she's gung ho to find out whee the booze and beer is flowing (or w/e else), that's a big sign of what her priorities are. I advise to start getting used to the idea that this puppy love of yours is going to end. Perhaps she'll come back to you in one piece with no wear and tear, or you might not recognize her in four years from the mileage she puts on herself. You need to control what you can and let go what you can't.

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