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? What causes drive for validation

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Hi everyone - What is the meaning of seeking approval and validation? Why do I seek validation and approval with all the projects


I am in volved in and expecially with authority figures I seem to bend all up in a pretxel trying to ger just a small amounr of agreeable kind validation or recognition.


It seems to be wasting a lot of time and personal energy. Maybe I shall answer my own question here but I think I can better use the energy in knwing all is at peace and fine. Feels like a huge loss. My idea of a wonderful outcome is a huge thanks and attachement. I need to be needed. What is that all about?


Of course I am already needed, family etc. ...but I spend tons of time looking to make myself indispensible and usually finding it only to add to my alreadu long list of chores. Many joyful. Some just recycling the need to be needed.


Just a thought and any clarity very appreciated.

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I go through the same thing. I read somewhere that the need for validation and approval is one of the symptoms of sufferers of OCD, which me and my family have.


I always want to know if I am doing a good job, even if I know I did. Maybe see a doctor to see if you could possibly have OCD.


I'm interested, keep me posted or pm me.

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You have to think 'self satisfaction'.

I know approval and validation is needed at times to assure yourself, but ultimately it's the self satisfaction.

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Not wanting to pay $5 for parking in a parking lot for ten minutes.


No, wait...

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