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is this a good enough reason to stay NC now...


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i dont want to regret stay in complete NC with her and then thinking, hmm that was dumb when she goes out with someone else... or that she thinks i dont care and have completely moved on


She's going to go out with someone eventually regardless of what you do.

Being an "option" for her will get you zero respect from this girl. If anything, her thinking you don't care and have completely moved on will attract her to you more. You always want most what you can't have


I would just focus on her leaving for 6 months. That, if anything, would give me reason enough to remain NC and try to move forward.

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yeah see where you are coming from on that front. i just regret my actions when we started long distance. i should have gone with the flow. not mentioned what would happen, then that would have been 12 weeks of us making long distance workable. would have given her more reason to believe we can do 24 weeks long distance on her travel. :(


wonder what she thinks of me not having contacted her for 3 weeks now.. probably thinks i dont want to talk to her :(


trying to try and move forward. its going to be so hard

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well update to my situation, hopefully i can still get some support and advice on this please!


I no longer have the "desire" to contact her.. or the desire to try and "win her back" as I KNOW this isn't possible right now, and i have accepted she may never come back...fine. i have accepted the situation. it actually helps that she never told me she loved me. as trying to make a 6 months gap work for us, literally wouldnt have worked. not whilst she's on an adventure of a life time..


however, I feel a bit "wrong" for not talking to her, but at the same time i feel she should be the one contacting me at this point in time given by what was said and done only 4 weeks ago, id like to think she would either contact me shortly or in the near future whilst away. if not... again, fine!


but since I dont have the desire to get her back now, should I try and maintain a line of contact with her? or is simply being on her facebook enough?


should i not try and contact her, just contact at things such as birthday, x mass, new year?



what are you guys thoughts.



thanks so much

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