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Remembering and Forgetting Special Occasions

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My boyfriend and my birthdays are coming up soon so I have just had been thinking on the topic of personal occasions as it relates to relationships. Such as birthdays or anniversaries. do you or would you mind if your SO forgot an important day?


On one hand I kind of would not mind if a birthday was forgotten. And sometimes people don't want to be reminded that they are a year older. I have not done anything major for my birthday since like 2002. And that was really just a party and a surprise cake from my friends. Still, its a nice feeling to know that the the person in your life who you care about the most, loves you enough to remember personal things about you, such as birthdays.


İf my SO happens to forget (and he very likely might) I may be a bit disappointed but I will still love him and not make a huge deal about it. However I wanted to make sure I remembered when his birthday is. (His is easy to remember because mine is June, his in July:) )

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The only thing that would hurt my feelings would be if my S.O forgot my birthday.

Anniversaries? Bah. I couldn't care less.

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