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4 days until move and she's freaking out!

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So, my girlfriend and I have been in a long distance relationship for 8 months. We lived in the same city and had a fling for about 4 months from March 09 to July 09, then she moved away as planned and we thought nothing of it. This was only supposed to be a booty call. But, over the course of the next 9 months we spoke here and there and she made a stop through my city on her way to her next move (she's in the military). This time, there were sparks and it was much more than a booty call. We visited each other 4 times from April 2010-August 2010 and in September decided to make an attempt at a LDR.


We discussed how difficult a LDR would be because I have 2 more years of school and even after she'll still be in the military and she asked if I could cope. I did a lot of thinking and I decided she was worth it and my line of work would allow me to relocate anywhere. So fast forward 8 months, the plan all along was that I'd move to Victoria (where she is) for 4 months between semesters so that we can be together AND so we can see if we can even co-exist. I've bought my ticket, I'm half packed, and I've quit my part time job. I'm supposed to be there in 4 days. She calls me and tells me she's really nervous about me moving there and that she feels an immense amount of pressure. She said that she feels bad that she can't get excited about me moving there because of all these other feelings. She feels bad that I'm leaving my home and everthing behind to be with her. She's really freaking out and it sounds like she's thinking of ending it. She said "I'm worried we don't have the same feelings for each other..." I haven't told her I love her yet, but I do. And it's obvious I'm crazy about her, so I'm thinking she doesn't love me yet. Which is fine.


I dunno what to do or what to think. I hope it's just cold feet.

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