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Anyone have any tips on getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship??


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Ive been involved in an emotionally abusive relationship for 3 years now and I need to get out of it once and for all. I am so SICK of the abuse and feeling like im worthless. I have tried to get out of it SEVERAL times but always went back to him. I need to (somehow) be strong and move on from this. Does anyone have any helpful tips/stories/ideas to help me move on?

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I just got out of my emotionally and psychologically abusive relationship, gave him two tries in a year. Get out because it may turn out physical, mine did. Do you want to get hurt? You already are very traumatized by the violence. Emotional abuse is violence!!! He will pummel you down, just leave and get out safely. Talk to an abuse hotline, join support groups but leave. Talk to your friends, get support, you do not deserve to be treated with such disrespect. I know all too well about the "empty promises". He will not change, he will need years of treatment and therapy to unlearn those destructive behaviors. Do not go back to him, he is like a bad drug, he has brainwashed you to think that he can change, that the abuse is not that bad, that you are overreacting, that you can't take a joke, devaluing your worth, belittling you, criticizing you... I know it all too well. Please, leave before you get seriously hurt and/or regret that you have lost so many more years with him. It's never too late to leave though, but leave now, get out, you will find real and true love with someone who knows what love is! HE DOES NOT!!!!!!! I am every day vowing not to go back and calling my friends when I have the urge to respond to his texts. Every day is a challenge, because I just left recently. Time will help you get over him.

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