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-ex bf trouble S.O.S

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Dear people:(long but im desperate)


So I have 1yr &5 months with my boyfriend, i must say he was awesome at first. flower type of guy,cute,nice to my family & always atentive.BUTT.


he then changed to a jealous and sometimes even violently scary person there were times whe i thouht he would hit me. :(

he never did thankfully.:o


so when I saw all of these negativ changes broke up with him.:(

for a couple of months though..


I started going out with my friends(LL) & just having a good time.

he would always call me and say he would change but ive seen how it all goes. s i ignored him for a while.


One night I went with my friends clubbin & I saw my ex boyfriend.

it had been over 2 years since we broke up.i was shoked we talked sometimes but i knew better than to let him into my relationship.

Bt when i saw him. i cn say i was so happy. i dont know why:*(


we danced,drank,laughed & nothing else mattered to me. he payed sum guy to take us a phooto. i gave him mine cuz i was feeling gulty because of my bf.


I am so confused.my ex is no saint he's got a beautiful bby girl & in the past he has lied,been an ass idk if he's changed but for that night he was prfect :confused:


I honestly dont know what to do.tell my bf how im feeling

and probably get dumped go after my high school sweetheart & risk getting hearbroken.AGAINNN




stay with my bf that has changed but idk sumthing has changed idk if my ex has made it diff & if he wasnt in the pic.it all be fine. ?? :S





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Kentucky Jelly

I think you should get back with him right away. He has probably changed for good and will be the prince charming of your dreams and make you the happiest woman on earth. Let us know how that works out.

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my bf or ex.


you see i know im not actually cheating but

i just feel so guilty. ive known my ex for 5 yrs.

we always wan to go back but its just to much bs.

i gave my virginity(stupid ) but yeah

we only had sex that time & i just cant be with anyone else.

i feel so weird patheric & a biggo liar.:eek:

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Dear people:(long but im desperate)


So I have 1yr &5 months with my boyfriend, i must say he was awesome at first. flower type of guy,cute,nice to my family & always atentive.BUTT.


he then changed to a jealous and sometimes even violently scary person there were times whe i thouht he would hit me. :(

he never did thankfully.:o


so when I saw all of these negativ changes broke up with him.:(

for a couple of months though..



I can't focus on your story completely, but whatever you do, do not under any circumstances see the person referenced above anymore!!!!

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by current boyfriend changed a lot!!!!!!!!!!!

to violence etc...........



&& then my ex bf came in teh picture &&

so i feel confused.



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