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what should I do?

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I have been dating a guy for the past 3 months, and everything seems to be good between the two of us. But lately he seems to always be hanging out with his friends. I haven't been really alone with him in a few weeks, and I would like to. We were at a party on Saturday night, and we kind of distanced ourselves away from everyone, and he told me that he loved me for the first time. He said it about 20 times over the rest of the night, and he was a little confused as to why I laughed a little when he said it. I said it back to him, but I laughed because I think that people who are in love with each other should see each other more, and hang out alone more than me and bill do. I am just wondering how I can tell if he is really serious about saying the three little words, or if he is just saying them to make me feel better because he is with his friends all the time. Anyone that can give me some advice, I would greatly appreciate it.

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Actions usually speak louder than words.


You can never know for sure whether he is sincere with his I Love You words or not. They have been spoken many times falsely via alcohol at parties. The fact that you have to ask the world via the Internet where he is coming from because you are not sure of his sincerity speaks loudly of problems with this relationship.


What really counts is whether or not you feel loved by him. If he doesn't spend quality time with you and hangs with his friends for weeks at a time without being alone with you, that makes a major statement. It couldn't possibly make you feel all that special.


Let him know exactly the way you feel and if things don't change right away, move on down the road.

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