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"Nice" girls, like Sandra Bullock....


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Sandra Bullock didn't deserve being cheated on but she is responsible for her choice in partner. Beyond that, Jesse James is a pig. There's nothing attractive about this man, not his actions, attitudes, how he displays himself to the world, his billion and one tats. He's blatantly a man who's compensating for something inherently missing inside of him.



And many women disagree with you and think he is hot.. Similarly many men think Sandra is too old and had too much botox..


From people magazine..:)




Jesse James is married to America's Sweetheart, but in his life as the high-profile owner of the West Coast Choppers empire he is often surrounded by female admirers, according to some who know the motorcycle mogul.


Sandra's husband is "heavily targeted and pursued" by women, a source tells PEOPLE. "Those girls throw themselves at him."


The man just has that 'it' factor that reduce logical women to panting, sex-crazed animals. You know, the guy who enters the room and the repressed librarian releases her ponytail, flings her glasses off, reveals some cleavage and sheds her panties. In other words, he is David Lee Roth in 1983.


Old Europe is right on.. I feel it is very hypocritical how so many women are proud of being "sexually empowered", yet expect that behavior to bring the best out in men.. Can't have everything..

Edited by calizaggy
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Sandra's husband is "heavily targeted and pursued" by women, a source tells PEOPLE. "Those girls throw themselves at him."
And a substantial number of people snort cocaine or smoke crack, of which they know and knew it's highly addictive but still did it, for the high. So what's your point?
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Many male friends of mine, who might have esteemed themselves as "players" at some point, almost to a last describe the emptiness of indiscriminate sexual relations and how low it has made them feel. Men want emotion, the real thing.


Men do have higher sex drives, it is true. As for the men-women "double standard" regarding how the frequency of sexual relationships for either group is viewed, I don't know if it is all "social conditioning". While a woman need not be "chaste", of course, she should be extremely selective. She realy has the power in this sense. It is she who settles a man's life, bears his children, is the inspiration for so much that goes on in life, society, doing, making, getting, earning. Men want to worship women, and a woman should never really lose that sense of being sought after, and not giving "it" away easily. And, most importantly, it just not only looks better, or is better for "society", it is better for her, emotionally, psychologically. Women should be sought after, they should be the ones whom men revere, they are the ones who "civilize" men, in a way, they are the ones to be "conquered". It is a nice bit of sexual play, I think. Would be sad to see it all go---


Show me someone who disagrees with this, I'll show you a hurt cynic...Show me a woman who says that she enjoys casual flings, and I will show you someone who is inwardly very insecure and miserable...


I understand the desire for "sexual freedom" in women, and no one, not I, of course, is suggesting old ways and "mores" in any kind of extreme sense, at all. Certainly that is not what I am writing here. I am saying that promiscuity is a very sad state of affairs for women and men, but it is ultimately worse for women, for many reasons, not just "social". The feminists, I must say, did do women terrible harm telling them that by acting like "men" in terms of sexual licentiousness, they were gaining "strength". Big, big mistake, with unfortunate fall-out still thriving, if not getting worse...




I understand what you are saying on the topic of promiscuity, but I will take a stab in the dark and interpret what Taramere said as pure sarcasm.


Obviously promiscuity is not fulfilling, people who need sexual connections without emotional ties are really seeking emotional connections through sex but are too afraid to get close and possibly get hurt. I don't understand what promiscuity and women's sexual liberation has to do with men who cheat on their wives though like in this particular case!!?! the infidelity that happened here is not about women who are more sexually liberated these days it is about a guy who couldn't keep it in his pants while he had a moral, mental and spiritual and physical obligation to his partner.


If you are going to try to say that promiscuity in women makes men cheat, then I will counter that with men have been cheating on their spouses for thousands of years, even when women were less sexually liberated I don't see how one can be drawn as parallel to the other, unless of course you want to jump on the female hating bandwagon that stipulates the old misogynistic mantra "do what I say not what I do, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander" where only women are susceptible to their husband's cheating ways and are made vulnerable while women should be chaste and give their men no reason to doubt them ever.




The point is choice c) None of the above. It comes down to self-respect and class. One leaves, plain and simple, an intolerable relationship of reckless promiscuity and other such sad disasters.
Yes it does come down to self-respect, something which the man in this situation did not have despite how liberated women are these days sexually he is still the scumbag in the equation.


Now in terms of the "bad boy" theory and how some guys can get all kinds of women, and women who find these types attractive all I can say is that in this life there is someone for everyone of course these guys will always have someone who is hot after them, there is something about these guys on some level that does appeal to women I can accept that but again, it is no coincidence who we are attracted to and the roles we play in attracting certain types.


So sure something must have been missing on some level for Sandra too, my laymen guess would be that for the simple fact that you are a celeb you are already dealing with a handicap of sorts. Your life is not and will not be normal and you must be faced with all sorts of trust issues in terms of who you can allow into your life and who you shouldn't. On some level these bad boys, and I am not saying that Sandra was victimized pretty much from the get-go, but on some level these types of guys know how to make women feel at ease and see the teddy bear aspect to them. He was quite favored on the show when I saw him on celeb apprentice and all the women impressed by him and his puppy dog style, despite the tattoos and the trashy exterior he did exude a certain kind of ease that women find easy to trust.


As per Sandra, who isn't guilty of taking a chance on another human being and falling flat on their faces disillusioned and disappointed? I think everyone is guilty of that and on some level has had some experience with that, be it lovers, friends and for some even family.

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But for someone like Sandra Bullock, who's a mature and experienced woman in her forties, I agree that she's in some way compensating for something, since he's not her first bad boy.


Thanks, I'll look into that more. A former model and shrewd enough businesswoman to get where she has, apparently far more on 'aura' than raw looks, Sandra, if experiencing the 'pain' of the bad boy in the past, should be, or should have been, far wiser about such matters than she apparently was, especially considering her stable and clearly middle-class childhood as role-modeling. Interesting mirror. I will examine.

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When threads start getting off topic, hosting mini-battles, contain petty bickering and people just can't get along, I have a choice of going into the thread and putting everybody in moderation...which puts a LOT of work on me...or just closing the thread. This one's been around just a bit too long. Everybody CHILL, please!!!!

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