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Hi me and my special someone been together for 4years and we have our marriage license and planned to get married by february. We recently got into an argument because my picture was once hanging up in his room and now it's not this was in july he said he would hang a differnt one up its now December, well recently i went to hang it up and he told me no, but I cant understand why? ever since this incident we havent been on good terms and this was about a week and a half ago. Now it seems like he doesnt love me we havent talked we texted a few times but thats all.. was the situation petty? what should I do I really love him?

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This situation is vague, but I think you should ask him the same question you just asked on this forum. If anything, it will let him know how hurt you were by it.

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This situation is vague, but I think you should ask him the same question you just asked on this forum. If anything, it will let him know how hurt you were by it.

ok so now were back together but he still seems to be distance so I was thinking maybe I shouldnt call him for a while and give him some space and see how that plays out.

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What you should do is reconsider why you are even thinking about getting married to him "...by February".


Many people might ask: "Where you you want to be in ten years?"



You need to be asked: "Where do you want to be in ten months?"

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Hi me and my special someone been together for 4years and we have our marriage license and planned to get married by february. We recently got into an argument because my picture was once hanging up in his room and now it's not this was in july he said he would hang a differnt one up its now December, well recently i went to hang it up and he told me no, but I cant understand why? ever since this incident we havent been on good terms and this was about a week and a half ago. Now it seems like he doesnt love me we havent talked we texted a few times but thats all.. was the situation petty? what should I do I really love him?

I mean there's no doubt that I want to be with him but if things dont get better i'll have no choice but to leave cause now im putting my well being at risk.

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