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I am the other man.

Hermie Aphrodite

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Hermie Aphrodite

I've been in quite a few relationships and as it turns out I always seem to be the "other man". I don't know what it is about chicks who are married or dating that makes them attracted to me but in the end I just want someone for me. I don't think this will ever happen. I don't act on it beyond friends and I've decided that I don't want to be with someone who would cheat on their partner, that type of person is the lowest IMO so I've pretty much given up on finding anyone and resigned myself to a life of celibacy. I don't really have a point here, just releasing some steam [/rant]

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Good for you! Better to be celibate than to break up homes and get your heart torn apart in the process.


The right one will come along for you one day. Have faith! :)

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Things don't happen for by accident. There's got to be some good reason why married or otherwise attached women are attracted to you. STOP being their friend. A lot of women who are in relationships are missing certain aspects and apparently the ones whose relationships are devoid of friendship or emotional intimacy are finding with you. Stop giving it to them.


If you keep your friendships with attached women at a distance, you'll leave some room there for nice relationships with single ladies. The next time you meet a married lady, immediately ask her if she knows of any single women....and let her know that you get involved ONLY with women who are single and unattached.

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I've given up too. Men seem to become interseted then they get comforable, then they get bored and your up a creek no paddles. Getting emotionaly involved with others seems to be a down fall. Relax, live for the moment, hell i'm trying it. I'm not celibate, but i'm not going to sleep with anyone either. Don't go extreame just dont go seriouse. good luck!!!

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