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How should I keep my premature marriage ideas in check?

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I have been with my boyfriend for around 10 months, he is 19 and I am 20 so we are still very young. However lately I have been thinking a lot about the future and where our relationship is going. I am deeply in love with him, and he with me, and I think I want to spend my life with him. He is hilarious and playful and sweet, however he sometimes has trouble showing his feelings when it comes to the serious things such as love.


Regardless of how young we are I'm finding myself wishing that he would propose. I am pretty sure he has no intention of doing so at this stage, as I am his first girlfriend and he likes to take things slow, so I was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can deal with my heart running away with me, and getting all these lovely yet premature ideas about marriage! I don't want to scare him away!

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I think it's natural for most females to think more about 'getting married and starting a family" than most guys. However, keep in mind, in his head he is RESPONSIBLE for that family. So, he is thinking about it to....but from a different angle. Dont' rush him. If he's right for you and you are right for him...he'll let you know when he feels he is ready to tackle the responsibilities before him.


A guy who thinks about it awhile....usually is the better bet....than a guy who doesn't take all this stuff seriously.


Give him some time......I bet he'll pop the question and surprise you.....but ONLY when HE is ready.

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