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Still agonizing over the Family Visit thing...


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sick of my posts yet? I apologize.


Many know i've posted my disappointment over my Mom not

really trying to visit my 1 year old. But i'm just chaulking it up to

she's just too busy, stressed out all the time and raising my two

teen sisters so she's just busy. She's too busy for her son and



My other Dilemma is:


I have other extended family that I would like my 1 year old to be

able to see and have them see her. But they live in the crappiest

city where there have been gang shootings recently and it's just not the

same city we grew up in. it's changed, it's dirty and just not what it

used to be. Yet, they all still live there to be near Granny and Grampa

who refuse to ever move.


I don't feel comfortable taking my wife and 1 year old there to visit.

I know most likely nothing would happen, but it bothers me all the same.

PLUS, none of my aunts or uncles who live down there, ever attempt

to come up and see US. They harnever, hardly ever call. Should I

just not care if they themselves aren't trying to come up to our house

and see baby?


How do I solve this issue? Should I just come out and say, I refuse

to go there because it's a Sh*t hole? I just feel bad not going to see

my Grandparents.


Maybe I'm just the black sheep and trying to hard.

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