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How to ask about being 'friends with benefits'


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Okay, I just broke up with my boyfriend of 1 year and a half because he's in the military and wants to concentrate on his career there and he wants me to experience my life here w/out missing out on anything. Meanwhile, i haven't gotten anything for 5 months!


He comes home in 3 days (the 26th) and I want to see if, even though we're not together, we can still have a little "fun." 5 months is a looong time and the boy is good with his hands... I'm not sure what he'll say and I'm not sure if I should call him so soon after we broke up (the 20th), but I want to know if anything's going to happen BEFORE he comes home.


What should I do?

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Wow. That's um. Kinda hard. I'd ssay just ask him outright. I'm guessing this is over the phone. Just ask if he wants to hook up when he gets home. If he says no, he says no. GL!

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It would be RARE for a man to turn down sex. However, it depends on how long you've been broken up and what reasons caused the break up. If it was just a 'separation' call break up.....I bet he'll be as 'anxious' to see you as you are to see him. Seind him an email...give him a call....however you communicate.


SALUTE and Good Luck!

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