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Should I give up?


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Please help me feel better! I need to vent. I am 27, Master's degree, good job, stable, no kids, ex husbands, not crazy, attractive, a few extra pounds to lose. I consider myself to be a good catch. Why have I gotten dumped again???? I am so tired of lying, cheating, co-depentant, momma's boys, cheaters, dogs, scum.................... I deserve better than this. Is there ay good man left on the face of the earth? Where is he? There is nothing wrong with me and I know it. I am afraid I will never have the dream of having a family. Please tell me there is still hope because I am ready to give up.

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Of course there's hope. You just have had some crappy luck so far. Maybe you're trying too hard? Or looking too hard?


In my past, whenever I try too hard, I end up getting hurt big time, but when I don't try and don't even bother looking, that's when something wonderful comes along.


Try to be happy just being you and by yourself, if that's possible. You can't be happy with someone else if you aren't happy WITH yourself.

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"Is there ay good man left on the face of the earth?"


I'll get back to you on that one. Meanwhile, there's got to be a reason why you're attracting goofballs and you may have to look into yourself for the answers. There is hope, though. Many of us have to go through a lot of rejects before meeting the right person. It's just part of the mating ritual. Hang in there, don't give up, and pay better attention. Where are you meeting these losers? The best way to meet people is through friends. They won't introduce you to butthole toads like this.

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