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What is going on?

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Ok this might be long so please stay with me.


I have known this girl for littile bit over 1 year we realy did not hang out untill about 4 months ago. Well me and a friend where trying to find something to do and we desided to go off roading we called a friend she sead that she would love to go but her friend was over there we told her that her friend could come to.


Well we all get into the SUV well I got into the back with are friends friend that I really did not know, well after about 5 min we where flirting badly well we did that all night. Me and her where up all night talking, well about 3 days went by and I got a call inviting me over to wach some movies well when I got there she was there too, when the movie started me and her held each outher the hole night. I went to about 4 more of thouse movie nights and the same thing happend.


Well one night she calls me and asked if I would like to come over, Well I did we talked most of the night I told her that I have feelings for her and she told me that she whanted to kiss me 3 or 4 time by now. So I asked her out and she sead yes.


Well after the date we where talking and she sead that she was not ready for an relasionship right now an I was ok with that. We started to spend alot of time to gether, during that time we are starting to ger tuchey (nothing to with sex just rubing arms, legs, and backs.) then one night she asked me why I havent kissed her yet.


I told her that I was shy and I did not know what to do becouse I havent kissed befor. Well we madeout for about 2+ hrs. But now we are more distant with each outher.


I would like to start an relasoinship with her. But I dont know what to do next. So why are we distant with each outher? I think she likes me so should I go for it?


All help would be nice. Thanks for the help.

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Well I did we talked most of the night I told her that I have feelings for her and she told me that she whanted to kiss me 3 or 4 time by now. So I asked her out and she sead yes.



Well after the date we where talking and she sead that she was not ready for an relasionship right now an I was ok with that. We started to spend alot of time to gether, during that time we are starting to ger tuchey (nothing to with sex just rubing arms, legs, and backs.) then one night she asked me why I havent kissed her yet.


These two quotes give me the impression she is not ready for a relationship and just wants comfort, someone to make out with every now and then, someone to desire her so she feels good or someone to pursue her relentlessly so she is sure that you want her badly enough.


Either way you need clarification. Ask her why she wants to kiss you but not start a relationship with you.


Then tell her you either want a relationship or nothing at all.


Stop all contact if she doesn't want a relationship and move on and find someone who is ready for a relationship.

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Hi there Cid, it seems to me like your "friend" just wants someone who will make-out with her. I'm not saying that it's bad, but some of us girls are like guys too. Sometimes we don't want a relationship, but we just need someone to cuddle up to without having to commit. I can tell you really like her, and it sounds like she's leading you on, but at least she told you the truth. Ever heard the term "F*ck Buddies"? (excuse my language, i usually don't use those kind of words) Well...in this case it's kind of like that; so basically you guys are friends with priviledges.


Like MercyRose said, move on and find someone who'll want to be in a relationship. Good luck....don't stress out too much about it.



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