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sexual appetites


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my wife and i have completely different personalities,she is reserved and the typethat has to get the job done right now.i on the othe hand like to paint the world with my "purple crayon" you know the way i want it to be,wishful thinking or not i am a free spirit.


any way we are also completely different in bed as well i like trying new and exiting things ,nothing really wierd but new none the less.she just is plain and simple not nearly as interested in sex as i am.my question is.isa there any thing that i can do to get her more involved? when we make love itsfantastic no problems with orgazim for either of us its just ,leading up to the sex that she can seemingly do without.please help

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Do you give your wife enough attention emotionally? I mean do you do romantic things for her? I truly believe that a woman needs to be wooed, I mean, she doesn't just want to be played as a physical sex object...Tell her she is beautiful, do something romantic with her. Just talk to her, pay attention, do what turns her on...

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