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5'1, 150 lbs, and 14 yrs old...how many lbs should I lose?

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Whats the average weight for a girl my height/age? I want to lose weight as fast as I can, Im thinking about getting an excercising machine, one that works all parts of the body..what do you think? Are those a good choice?

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it's between 115-130 lbs. as an avg. of this height.. But, that doesn't mean that b/c you're 150lbs, you're fat, or what have you. It just might mean that perhaps because you're built with bigger bones (guessing), and are probably shorter than most of your friends, that your weight is contracted differently than most taller people such as myself.


Look into the pros/cons before trying to lose weight.. esp. because you're only 14 years (Young).

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Don't start a weight-loss diet - just start a healthy lifestyle plan. Eat right (remember learning about the food groups in grade school? That's a good beginning) Fruits, veggies, lean meat if you are a carnivore. Drink less soda and juice and drink more water. Switch to whole grain/wheat bread. Take a good vitamin and you can increase your exercise without having to use a piece of equipment. Play some sports, ride a bike, do some calisthenics. A weight-loss diet (especially a crash diet) just about guarantees that you will gain back all the weight and more and the cycle never ends until you find yourself a couple hundred pounds. Your body is still growing and developing - a weight-loss diet could be harmful.

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I think 150 pounds is a bit heavy for a lady your age, regardless of your bone structure. You're much better off seeing a doctor or other health professional who can examine you and your lifestyle to get an accurate answer. In any case, if you don't get much exercise and you eat a lot of junk food and drink a lot of sodas, you really need to start better eating habits now or you will regret it later. The obesity epidemic among American teens is frightful.

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