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Ladies and some gents- what skin care do you use to keep clear skin?

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Up until now, i have always had wonderful skin. Barely any zits, etc. But now, I have tons of zits, atleast one or 2 new ones a day. They add up and leave scars (no matter if i pop or not).

I wash my face about two times a day and i also use a night cream (neutrogena clear pores).

Nothing is working anymore, so im going to see a derm at the end of the month. but for the time being, what do you use to clear up skin and to keep it clear? i am on the pill as well, but obviously that doesnt do any good anymore.

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My dermatologist told me to use nothing but plain water on my face. I wash it with a washrag to exfoliate. Once every couple of weeks I'll use a mild cleanser but that's it. Your doc might put you on something but if I were you, I wouldn't try any more products until you see the doc. You could do more harm than good.


Again, everybody's skin and chemistry is different so what works for them may not work at all for you. Oil of Olay is a case in point. Lots of people swear by it. It gives me zits. You just can't get a good answer to that sort of question on a forum.

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Oil of Olay, or Oil of Ulay as it was previously called in the UK totally broke me out out, I used it once five years ago, and have never touched it since.


I fortunately have pretty good skin and even in those teenage years, I never experienced zits or acne, but I don't know whether I can attrribute that to the use of (apart from the Olay?Ulay mistake) mainly hypo-allergenic products, or good genes. These days I stick to the "Simple" range: don't know if these products exists everywhere? They're certainly commonplace in the UK and I stock up when I go back; their products contain no perfumes or colouring, and their moisturisers range from mild to rich creams.


If I ever wear makeup, which I do occasionally, I make sure to wear very little and always remove it completely, especially before sleep!! Other than that, I can think of little else to suggest: keep it simple: a gentle, non abrasive cleanser, and a moisturiser which is suited specifically to your skin type.

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Water!...And nothing but water! Some products are just to harsh for sensitive skin, even products that are meant to moisturize.


And like Mother's Daughter, I avoid makeup at all costs. Not only do I hate the way it feels and looks, but it wreaks havoc on the pores!


Hormones and diet can also effect your skin. Try to keep track of any changes in your regular routine prior to break outs. You might be able to determine the culprit. For me...I have to avoid fried foods and eating too many tomatoes! :(

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what about steaming open your pores by standing over a basin of hot water, using a towel for a tent? I know it brings oils up to the surface of the skin, and you can use a warm washcloth with nothing but water to wipe your face with afterwards.


As you age, your body changes, and my guess is that whatever you've been using before (cleansing products and make-up) is now working against your skin. Look into other kinds of products, I know Mary Kay is expensive, but it's a gentle enough formula to use.

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Fortunately, I have had really clear skin all of my life...just the occasional pimple every now and then. And I hardly ever wash my face unless I am in the shower....just out of laziness, I guess. But I try to wash my face every night if I can remember using those Biore Face Wipes. They really make my face feel clean, and they are so convinient.


I have also tryed the Clinique Clarifying Lotion at night. It's not lotion at all. It's a liquid that you put of cotton balls or something like that and wash your face with and I love that stuff! It makes my skin feel so clean and fresh. It's a little expensive though, so I usually stick to the face wipes.


I am very lucky not to get breakouts. And I should wash my face more..I guess I take my clear skin for granted. But the past week or two, I have been breaking out a little more...about like you...maybe it's just a hormonal change..pms or something...hell, I don't know.


But that's what I use.

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is it possible that the breakouts are from stress?


i have usually very clear skin but when something's bugging me i turn into a twelve year old pizza face.


i like olay daily facials for sensitive skin. i tend to break out with anything else. the line by clinique is great too, i love their clarifyer.

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i am pretty sure its not stress...hmm....i just cant wait to get to the derm. Im thinking like its been said in here, that my products are just working against my skin.

ive never heard of just using water! how cool. but what abotu clogged pores?? water cant unclog pores, right?

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What if you have SUPER-OILY skin? I have a problem with acne, too...and with cleansers not removing the oil. I've used everything from noxema, sea-breeze, clearasil, apricot scrubs, regular soap, oatmeal soap, glycerine soap, etc, and my face will become oily only 10-15 minutes after washing it???? The oil as a result cloggs my pores. If I used just water, my face would be a grease pit. I know, odd problem, most normal people have sensitive skin!!!

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Toss those over-the-counter products into the trash and see a dermatologist! It may cost you a few more $$$$, but will be worth every penny in the long run.


I grew up with terrible skin and just figured it was something I would have to live with (thanks dad!). It wasn't until my early thirties that a friend of mine recommended her doctor and I decided to give him a try. Figured I didn't have anything else to lose.


Well, it turned out to be the best thing I ever did for myself, and now I wished I had seen a dermatologist sooner. I could have saved myself a very painful adolescence! He worked absolute miracles and for the first time in my life I was able to leave the house without makeup! He even found and removed a tiny spot of pre-cancer which was the result of spending WAY too much time in the sun and in tanning booths. If not for him, I would have never even know it was there!


And the best part is that my insurance covered the entire cost, less the deductible of course!

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I tend to have oily skin and if I don't do my daily face regimen treatment, I will get zits. Doing this daily leaves me with no zits and clear skin.


In the morning I shower and use medicated apricot scrub.

When you get out of the shower, PAT your face dry, don't rub it.

I put Clearasil on my face, even without having any zits.

Then I follow up with Loreal face moisturizer OIL FREE with Vitamin E and SPF 15.


I carry the Clean and Clear oil absorbing sheets with me in my purse. When my face gets oily during the day, I zap out the oil with one of those and my face feels so much better. They work wonders and I swear by them.


Like people have said before, everyone is different and will react differently. That's just what I do to maintain clear skin. Hopefully your dermo will help you clear it up for good!

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is === to Bath & Body Works!!!!


I just love this store... Almost any type of scent, fragrance,etc. they have...


And for all body tones..


Check it out. :bunny:

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I have such sensative skin and often get exzama that I really have to be careful.


On my face I use cetephil...but to clear up a break out I use phisoderm. I also notice that these can still tend to dry up my face so every other day I use noxeema.


On my body I use Dove body wash. Nuetrogena body oil. And Saint Ive's Lotion. Bath and body works drys my skin up from the fragrances in their products....but they do smell so yummy!


When I shave I use mosture rich shave gel and after wards I use a mans after shave gel.


When I find areas of exzama (now they seem less than ever) I use an exzama cream found by the baby products.


I pay special attention to my feet and hands and do a manicure and pedicure once a week to keep them soft and looking nice.




MMMmmmmm.....I feel like taking a day at the spa now!

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i agree, you should see a dermatologist. I've also been using that neutrogena clear pore stuff, I think it works pretty well, but my dermatologist said he is "anti salicylic acid." he prescribed me some antibiotics and a benzoyl peroxide gel.


I've had "bad" skin most of my life, and i've used lots of stuff..... whatever you use to wash, patting your face dry is better than like wiping it. and make sure that your hands are real clean and that your towel doesn't have fragrant detergent or fabric softener, which could irritate your skin also. I try not to use stuff with alcohol or oil in the ingredients. oh yeah, this may smell and/or look weird but you could also get aloe or put a cucumber in the blender and put that on your face. you should do this at home, though. haha! also another thing- keep your hair out of your face. drink lots of water!



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Careful what the doctor orders too lol Some will prescribe acutane, if so don't take it. Do your research. Very nasty stuff.


First off, get your pill re-adjusted. I'd say thats your main reason right there. That said:



Three factors of acne

1. Sebum (Oily skin)

2. Clogged pores

3. Bacteria


These are the basics for acne to thrive, If all else fails and you can't get it under control, I can post what my friends have use, but a part involves using a certain vit indiviually and I don't suggest it unless people really know their bodies and know what their doing.

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errrm I don't really get many spots anymore. Sometimes get the odd one but my main problem used to be after shaving my neck would get all rashy and blotchy. I always wet shave as I hate electric shavers they just irritate me. So a couple of months ago I started used an aftershave balm and washing my face every day with exfoliating cream. My skin is much much better, clear and as soft as a baby's bottom :D I was really pleased with the difference and now keep looking for other skin products that will be of benefit. I use a moisturiser at night as well to help.


And no I am not gay, just want to have good skin and minimise the ageing process like you lot. These things are expensive but I will never go back!

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Originally posted by stewh

And no I am not gay, just want to have good skin and minimise the ageing process like you lot. These things are expensive but I will never go back!


You lost me here. What do shaving and skin care have to do with homosexuality? :confused:

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You lost me here. What do shaving and skin care have to do with homosexuality?


They have to do with archaic beliefs; namely, that only gay men would attend to skin care.

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Hi Jalexy......


I can totally relate. I never had acne as a teen/in my 20's, but got an onset at about age 30.... freaky thing to go from blemish free skin to a face of constant zits at that age (stress was the trigger for me = hormonal changes). I too got scars regardless if I touched them or not, even more freaky.


I got myself off to a dermatologist after about a year of living with the constant acne. I also did my own research into skin care..... I discovered Paula Begoun's books. I highly recommend you read her Beauty Bible, nothing but the facts.


The plan of action by my dermatologist was this:


I had 4/5 BHA treatments to treat the acne (AHA is for sun damaged skin, BHA for acne). The BHA (Salycilic Acid) was applied to my face with a paint brush. Now, you really have to trust that your dermatologist knows what the hell they're doing when it comes to this.... it burns like a complete mother and your face will look like someone's punched you for the following few days until it peels (time to hibernate for a few days). I felt traumatised the first few times and wondered what the hell I'd done to myself, but you have to trust the process. Cleaning up acne that's being produced everyday IS a process, it wont happen overnight and it WILL get worse before it gets better (it takes 3 weeks of 'cooking' underneath the skin for a pimple to actually produce the end result on your face).


I know BHA peels sound harsh, but you need to keep in mind that right now you have an over production of oil happening under you skin, that oil is not getting out because your pores are blocked and staying blocked. There is no other way to unblock pores, and keep them unblocked, other than deep exfoliation. BHA is now found in just about all skin care products, in very low doses.... this will keep pores exfoliated (clean and flowing) for your average person who is not breaking out regularly, but for someone who is breaking out regularly, those low doses will not make any difference to your skin RIGHT NOW.


My dermatologist also gave me a serum he has developed made out of Willow Bark, which is natural exfoliant to use daily. The above all did the trick. I stopped producing acne (much to my amazement and delight).... like I said, it didn't happen overnight though - took about 3-5 months too see any real change.


Once the acne was under control, to treat the scars and help my skin texture (ie reduce pore size) I then had microdermabrasion treatment once a month (about 4 times). The scars will never completely go though, they can only be slightly lessened from what they currently are. My texture has improved a lot though.


My routine now is a combination of Paula's battle plans which my dermatologist agreed with.... it's simple, gentle, cheap, natural..... and it works. You don't need expensive, big name stuff that are filled with chemicals that actually just end up blocking your skin (have you ever read the ingredients in skin care products?... mind blowing!):


Cetaphil Cleanser, morning and night (the only cleanser I'll use.... safe ingredients, water soluble, cheap and VERY gentle)

Serum from my dermatologist to exfoliate (Willow Bark), daily

30+ Sunscreen, daily, ALL year round (VERY important when exfoliating daily)

Baking Soda with water, twice a week (deeper exfoliation)

Milk of Magnesia patted on then washed off, twice a week (absorbs oil)


That's it... no moisturiser (sunscreen is enough).


Hope that helps :)

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