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who pays on first date.?


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Who asked for the date? If you asked him/her out, then you should pay. If he/she asked you out, then they should pay.


As a nice gesture you could offer to pay the tip at the restaurant though.

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my friend kinda hooked us up on this date. its sorta like a blind date thing except we have met each other once before. since im the girl i think that he should pay but i dont know if i should offer to pay half or just wait and see what happenes,

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I don't think it would hurt at all to casually offer to contribute to the cost of the meal. He'll probably turn your offer down, but at the very least you will impress him with your thoughtfulness.

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In any case, I think the guy ought to pay for a first date...regardless of who asked. I think a guy ought to pay for every date....but I guess I'm old fashioned that way. Only on special occasions when a lady really wants to treat should she pay.


I just don't feel comfortable having the lady pay...ever. When I lived in London, I was absolutely mystified at how the ladies I went out with always wanted to pay...even insisted. Ultimately, I figured out it got them off the hook of obligation for future "favors." Not really, the ladies in the UK are very sweet and generous.

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Most of the single women I know pay for their first and second dates. Most of them do this because they don't want a feeling of having to owe something for their meal/entertainment. If a guy makes it past the 2nd round then they usually allow him to pay for the date, but it really does depend on their comfort level with the men.

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Personally I would turn down the ladies offer. If she wants to make a big scene about paying then id just let her pay the tip :p

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